Justin Conover wrote:
I'm curious how many of the 64 bit os users out there, really need a
64bit web browser?
Is there any reason you couldn't live with a 32 bit one?
Can Fedora put firefox.i386 in the x86_64 tree, just like several
other i386 rpms?
I realize adding it is pretty simple, I've done it for a long time.
However with processors being realitivly cheap new users are buying
the amd64 all the time and want to run a 64 bit os. We either turn
around and tell them, go to mozilla.org <http://mozilla.org/> grab the
package and install it else were ( can't find fedora bugs ) or cp your
fedora.repo add i386 through it, and overlap a hole lot of packages,
"have fun with that"....
I personally use one from mozilla.org <http://mozilla.org/> at the
moment because I do need things like flash and plugins like that.
Before you start whining telling me its closed source, my wife is a
photorgrapher and her website has a lot of flash, I'm sure many of you
can understand telling your wife no, can't go to your website because
you used closed source flash would go over like a lead ballon ;) And
its not just here site, I go to a lot of places that have flash and so
do a lot of people.
Does open source solutions like Swfdec, Gnash and GPLFlash work for
you?. If anyone packages these up, it might be worth checking out.
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