i installed the last nvidia driver through copying files over one at a time
so the nvidia installer wont remove the old installs
i dont know were to get the rpm version thats why i started this email but
not one person that has replied has ansered the question were the heck do i
get the rpm version
my other question is how can i boot to a vga mode to install the nvidia
drivers through the installer with fc4t3
From: Klaasjan Brand <fedora@xxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: For testers of Fedora Core development releases
To: For testers of Fedora Core development releases
Subject: RE: what are the rpm nvidia drivers
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 09:30:58 +0200
On Tue, 2005-06-21 at 07:06 +0000, Caleb Warta wrote:
> thats not going to fix it there are files from the older drivers that is
> messing with the new version
The nvidia installer will remove older drivers from your system before
installing new ones.
The rpm will install cleaner (without overwriting system files), but the
nvidia installer also works.
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