Whine I shall not, however some things should be brought to the attention of the Fedora Core user community. 1. GPilot still doesn't work. ( still crashes when trying to do initial sync and can't get any further ) 2. There's problems with the RPM gui frontend. ( if I try to use it it complains about /media/cdrom being an invalid installation source. Or if I try to use the autorun programs on CD's like the RHEL Extras CD to add the CD to the RPM sources ) 3. There seems to be a problem with up2date whining about sources... ( The applet has been unable to access the following information sources in its last attempts: development @ http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/i386/ ... This causes ill effects on rhn-applet-gui ( and tui ) and up2date-gnome. Latest booboo is: There was a fatal error communicating with the server. The message was: An HTTP error occurred: URL: http://ftp.dulug.duke.edu/pub/fedora/linux/core/development/i386//headers/header.info Status Code: 404 Error Message: Not Found ) 4. At least on June 12, 2005 it is impossible to install xfce4 with YUM or up2date. ( Not all the packages are there. ) 5. SELinux rules are still broken, and Firewall still has trouble with active FTP. ( Last time I had SELinux enabled I couldn't even boot correctly. That could be passive ftp.. I'm not sure... its the one that doesn't have a predetermined port to connect to. ) 6. XMMS isn't in development or extras tree. ( Had to use Freshrpms repo... Probably isn't that big of a deal, but I know I'd miss it. And Extras repo HAS some xmms plugins so it probably should have xmms too... ) Those are my only gripes with the FC4 release. Other than these things, I have noticed nothing but improvement in this latest version, with the upgrade to new versions of some really big programs. I would like to ask the Fedora Core community to keep up the great work. :) -- Kyle Pointer <kapointer@xxxxxxxxxxx> P.S. Some of the RPM problems could be caused because I used the FTP install method instead of CDROM, but I think that if that causes problems there must be some bugs with the FTP install code in anaconda.