Hi there,
I was determind to test FC4t1 so I downloaded and burned the DVD ISO. I
loaded the DVD and failed the media check. However, I suspected this
from reading some of the mails here. I installed, it went ok. Entered
terminal, <alt-ctrl-f1> and tried the "yum update dgm". It didn't work,
then I found another mail suggesting "yum update gdm wfm." which did the
Now I was able to log in as root and creat a user id. Then I tried
several times to run "yum update" with variable success untill I figured
out that I could edit yum.conf and set "gpgcheck=0".
Suddenly I had more than 600 updates to my system and things work almost
as with my FC3 installation. And a lot faster than before this big update.
I installed the FC4t1 on an IBM TP T30 with a 12 GB HD.
Thanks to all of you knowledable people posting solutions.
fn:Truls Gulbrandsen