Hey all: OK, I'm not exactly sure how to describe the problem I'm having, but I had FC3 installed on my first partition, and I had a swap partition, and some free space. So I installed FC4T1 into the free space, into a partition I created during the installl process. I didn't install grub, but added FC4T1 to the grub.conf from my FC3 install. This doesn't work, and somehow my FC4T1 install is picking up information from my FC3 install, like the user I created in FC3 is available in FC4. I have no idea what I'm doing here, but it seems like maybe there is a problem with the whole partition label scheme? Could anyone point me towards some info on how to dual boot fedora and fedora? -cjlesh -- This is an email sent via the webforum on http://fcp.homelinux.org http://fcp.homelinux.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=49534&topic_id=12529&forum=12#forumpost49534