> Here is my bug on the same issue: > > https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=137579 > > I was waiting too, until I found the fix. > > What do your control panel settings for sound look like ? ? I don't know. I didn't change anything there after FC3 install, so there have to bee defaults. > Are you rebooting to let Linux not recognize the blacklisted device ? Of course. > I had sound disabled when I made my change, rebooted and then enabled > it. After rebooting I checked volume sliders level, but there are ok. > Can you successfully run alsamixer ? Yes, I can. I pulled up all sliders to maximum volume in the Alsamixer. I have one idea (will check this as I get home). To log into x as root and try there. Maybe it'll help. Darek Borkowski