1) Dual head problems with overlapping shared memory cards with cards
that have their built-in memory.
2) 815 chipset video refresh problems.
3) CD burning programs that do not select rational default settings, to
prevent mediacheck errors.
4) Having to unplug scanners to get them to havethe proper permissions
for scanning.
5) not being able to do a normal graphical installation, without special
parameters issued before the install.
Overall, I was pleased with the progressive features for FC3test.
I do think that the unresolved issues regarding certain video related
issues and other minor quirks with the test version have put a damper on
my enthusiasm to pursue testing. I did learn a lot about the system and
that was a worthwhile use of time.
I hope that FC3 is better than my expectations.
In the down time between tests, I hope that the working relations
between different developers can be made to forward the productivity and
enhance theend result from co-operative program development.