What ReiserFS version Fedora Core can support for now? On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 11:02:23 -0300, Alexandre Strube <surak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Em Qua, 2004-10-27 às 10:40, Amitabha Roy escreveu: > I am curious about the pros and cons of the various file systems. I > have always used ext3. Is there any particular reason to use reiserfs ? What > benefits do you get ? > Take a look at Reiser's page. It looks like reiserfs was made for > benchmarking. > > Some people says it's faster, some people say it's safer. I use it as > default in my own distribution (debian-based), and has not a single problem > with it, even when electricity suddenly comes down. (This cannot be said for > ext3, as a energy interruption screwed my redhat9 ext3 raid0 server). > > Besides, I'm not aware of a resizing tool for reiser. It has its own > problems and may not be good for everyone. > > Well, If it was that good, it would be part of fedora's default install, > don't you think? > -- []s Alexandre Ganso 500 FOUR vermelha - Diretor Steel Goose Moto > Group > -- > fedora-test-list mailing list > fedora-test-list@xxxxxxxxxx > To unsubscribe: > http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-test-list > > -- Music = Apple iPod + Rhythmbox & iTunes Browser = Mozilla Firefox & Epiphany Desktop = Gnome, Mac OSX, Longhorn 4074 Distro = Fedora Core Language = PHP, MySQL, Python, HTML Graphics = Gimp 2.0, gThumb, Picasa Editors = FrontPage 2003, vi, gedit Codecs = FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, Apple Lossless RSS = Thunderbird, Hello, Blogspot