On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 15:25 +1300, Mark Derricutt wrote: > Matias F�ciano wrote: > > > Also available on rpm.livna (known as the non official "Fedora Extra non-US") : > > http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/2/i386/RPMS.stable/ > > Would be nice if some of these repos had repos that worked with FC3's > yum, I guess we'll have to wait till FC3 is actually out before people > will be bothered creating newer repos thou. Actually I've been using livna and fedora.us packages with the new yum since few days after the change was made. The baseurl you're looking for is where the mirror has the 'repodata' directory and is easy to find. (when you know what you're looking for) http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/2/i386/yum/stable/RPMS/ http://livna.cat.pdx.edu/fedora/2/i386/yum/stable/RPMS/ http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora.us/fedora/fedora/2/i386/RPMS.stable/ http://download.fedora.us/fedora/fedora/2/i386/RPMS.stable/ You'll notice its the same fedora.us baseurl used previously (the 'headers' directory is also here). -- Andrew Farris (lordmorgul) <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - CPE student, Cal Poly SLO, pgp keyid 4430F405 pgp.mit.edu "..the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (Edmond Burke)