On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 10:36:56 -0400, Terry Polzin <fox3ec208@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > After running up2date this AM a second run points at FC3 (which of course does > not exist) not development. as noted in the changelog... the switch has to happen at somepoint before the final freeze..it happens every test cycle. > Kernel update also continues to clobbers previously installed kernels where > yum doesn't. 'clobber' is ill-defined. Do you mean that up2date uninstalls old kernels? that shouldn't be happening. in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date: what does pkgsToInstallNotUpdate= line read? Do you mean that up2date makes the new kernel the default? The correct thing to do in this situation is debatable... but more importantly logic has been added in the mkinitrd package to use /etc/sysconfig/kernel file to define local policy in regard to default. -jef