Re: Criteria proposal: reword beta upgrade package requirement footnote

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Looks good to me.

Have a Great Day!

Pat  (tablepc)

On Mon, Jan 6, 2025 at 2:41 PM Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi folks! I decided it's finally time to knock this action item off my
todo list...

Last cycle, we had a proposed blocker[1] which relied on a footnote to
the Beta upgrade criterion which was added way back when we first set
up the Editions:

"The upgraded system must include all packages that would be present on
the system after a default installation from install media, plus any
packages the user previously had (minus any obsolete content)"[2]

We had a detailed discussion about this at the review meeting[3]. The
text does seem to cover the proposed blocker as written, but we didn't
think it was really meant to. Per sgallagh, the intent of this footnote
was "to guarantee that upgrades from F20 -> F21 would specify a
preferred edition and then guarantee that they would get everything
from the default install of that Edition plus keep whatever else was on
their system (i.e. don't reset them to a default install)".

At a subsequent team meeting[4], we talked about it again, and I
volunteered to do a rewrite. So, I propose we change it to:

"The upgraded system must include any packages that were installed
before upgrade, unless the package was obsoleted. The upgrade process
may also add packages that, in the new release, are newly included in
package groups that were installed before upgrade."

The last sentence is included because we do do that on upgrade, these
days, so the criterion should allow for it. What do folks think of this
wording? Thanks!

Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
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