Validation testing enhancement: AMI information

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Hey folks!

So as part of the 'xen -> ec2' criteria migration, I noticed that it's
not really easy to find the appropriate AMIs for testing validation
candidate composes in EC2. I decided to make that better!

I've enhanced wikitcms to be capable of generating a template page
containing AMI IDs for a given validation event, much like the page
which has all the image download links in it. I tweaked the wiki
validation instructions template to transclude that page in Cloud
validation pages (but not other validation pages, to avoid clutter and
confusion), and wrote a fedora-messaging consumer which should update
the AMI info page every time a new AMI image is published for a
validation candidate compose. So basically, when you look at the Cloud
validation page, you should see some handy tables with all the relevant
AMI IDs (and direct launch links).

Here's how it looks for the current validation event:

I hope it'll keep working as new validation events show up, I'll try
and keep an eye on it.

Note this gets its data from the messages published by fedimg, so it
will *not* include any images *not* published by fedimg. This may
become an issue when CoreOS becomes release blocking, I guess.

If anyone's interested in the implementation details here, the new
consumer is in relvalconsumer:

the other changes were in wikitcms:

and the wiki release validation instructions template:

Let me know if you see any problems or have any suggestions for this.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
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