Fedora 26 updates-testing report

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The following Fedora 26 Security updates need testing:
 Age  URL
  89  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-1bf5a0ce01   python-XStatic-jquery-ui-
  29  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-2522df3526   nodejs-brace-expansion-1.1.7-1.fc26
   9  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-28387b61fd   php-horde-Horde-Image-2.5.1-1.fc26
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-4e2312892e   jetty-9.4.6-1.v20170531.fc26
   7  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-808dbfe1d3   pius-2.2.4-1.fc26
   4  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-bce18ed3f2   mingw-LibRaw-0.18.2-2.fc26
   3  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-39ffa92327   qt5-qtwebkit-5.212.0-0.4.alpha2.fc26
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-156d12fa2f   yara-3.6.2-1.fc26
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-87f1f8c798   dhcp-4.3.5-7.fc26 bind99-9.9.10-1.P2.fc26
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-313712a583   jabberd-2.6.1-1.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-42e41e9d25   perl-DBD-MySQL-4.043-1.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-02008fed70   GraphicsMagick-1.3.26-1.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-0eea793538   globus-ftp-client-8.36-1.fc26 globus-gass-cache-program-6.7-1.fc26 globus-gass-copy-9.27-1.fc26 globus-gram-client-13.18-1.fc26 globus-gram-job-manager-14.36-1.fc26 globus-gram-job-manager-condor-2.6-5.fc26 globus-gridftp-server-12.2-1.fc26 globus-gssapi-gsi-12.17-1.fc26 globus-io-11.9-1.fc26 globus-net-manager-0.17-1.fc26 globus-xio-5.16-1.fc26 globus-xio-gsi-driver-3.11-1.fc26 globus-xio-pipe-driver-3.10-1.fc26 globus-xio-udt-driver-1.28-1.fc26 myproxy-6.1.28-1.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-7ab0179693   cacti-1.1.12-2.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-3fb16e3a65   openvas-cli-1.4.5-3.fc26 openvas-gsa-7.0.2-2.fc26 openvas-manager-7.0.2-1.fc26 openvas-scanner-5.1.1-1.fc26 openvas-libraries-9.0.1-1.fc26

The following Fedora 26 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved:
 Age URL
  17  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-0dec8a74c5   pungi-4.1.16-3.fc26
  12  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-59ca80e001   libguestfs-1.36.5-1.fc26
   8  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-06d188a0fc   webkitgtk4-2.16.5-1.fc26
   2  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-87f1f8c798   dhcp-4.3.5-7.fc26 bind99-9.9.10-1.P2.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-190ee628d4   libffi-3.1-12.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-effe31c466   fwupd-0.9.5-1.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-96f3039825   quota-4.03-9.fc26
   1  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-28c7c45283   libbluray-1.0.1-1.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-ab57db3c8a   glusterfs-3.10.4-1.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-d87007c4d5   libblockdev-2.10-1.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-5a05bdbc0d   kernel-4.11.9-300.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-6a545c79e3   libtirpc-1.0.2-0.fc26
   0  https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-db0ad12bde   qemu-2.9.0-1.fc26.1

The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 26 updates-testing


Details about builds:

 apt-cacher-ng-3-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-5ee6ce91fa)
 Caching proxy for package files from Debian
Update Information:

update to 3

  [ 1 ] Bug #1467107 - Default configuration does not seem to work

 cacti-1.1.12-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-7ab0179693)
 An rrd based graphing tool
Update Information:

- Update to 1.1.12 - Fix Cross-site Scripting (XSS) issue with link.php  Release
notes: https://www.cacti.net/release_notes.php?version=1.1.11  Release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1467460 - cacti-1.1.11 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #1463471 - Following latest update, cacti is returning a HTTP 500 error code
  [ 3 ] Bug #1467880 - cacti-1.1.12 is available

 closure-compiler-20160315-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 JavaScript minifier and checker
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 container-selinux-2.20-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-bfb1bf854d)
 SELinux policies for container runtimes
Update Information:

This update fixes the default label on runc and cri-o when the package is
installed.  ----  Containers are being prevented from calling getsession.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1461571 - unable to run image built from 'docker.io/httpd'; 'could not open error log file /proc/self/fd/2'

 container-storage-setup-0.6.0-1.giteb688d4.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-1750381dee)
 A simple service to setup container storage devices
Update Information:

Bump to latest version.      Fix sfdisk failure on older sfdisk

 dyninst-9.3.2-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-67bdf10c5c)
 An API for Run-time Code Generation
Update Information:

Update to 9.3.2

  [ 1 ] Bug #1431177 - dyninst is broken on ppc64/fedora

 eclipse-4.7.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 An open, extensible IDE
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-dltk-5.8.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) Eclipse plug-in
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-dtp-1.14.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Data Tools Platform
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-e4-importer-0.2.0-0.4.gitb50f851.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Importer plug-in
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-ecf-3.13.7-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Communication Framework (ECF) Eclipse plug-in
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-egit-4.8.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Git Integration
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-egit-github-4.8.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse EGit Mylyn GitHub Connector
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-emf-2.13.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) Eclipse plug-in
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-epp-logging-2.0.5-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Error Reporting tool
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-filesystem-1.0-9.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Platform Filesystem Layout
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-gef-3.11.0-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) Eclipse plug-in
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-jgit-4.8.0-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse JGit
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-launchbar-2.1.1-0.2.gitff9289d.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Launchbar plug-in
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-linuxtools-6.0.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Linux specific Eclipse plugins
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-mpc-1.6.0-0.3.gitfce01a1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Marketplace Client
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-photran-9.1.2-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Fortran Development Tools (Photran) for Eclipse
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-ptp-9.1.2-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-pydev-5.8.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Python development plug-in
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-remote-3.0.0-0.1.git96f33c6.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Remote Services plug-in
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-rse-3.7.3-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Eclipse Remote System Explorer
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-swtbot-2.6.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 UI and functional testing tool for SWT and Eclipse based applications
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-tm-terminal-4.3.0-0.2.gitfa298da.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Terminal plug-in for Eclipse
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 eclipse-usage-4.4.4-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Usage reporting plug-ins for Eclipse
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 felix-gogo-command-1.0.2-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Apache Felix Gogo Command
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 felix-gogo-parent-2-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Parent package for Felix Gogo
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 felix-gogo-runtime-1.0.4-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Community OSGi R4 Service Platform Implementation - Basic Commands
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 felix-gogo-shell-1.0.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Community OSGi R4 Service Platform Implementation - Basic Commands
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 gdouros-symbola-fonts-9.17-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-9706b032ed)
 A symbol font
Update Information:

New upstream version with Unicode 10.0.0 support

 globus-ftp-client-8.36-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Client Library
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-gass-cache-program-6.7-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - Tools to manipulate local and remote GASS caches
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-gass-copy-9.27-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus Gass Copy
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-gram-client-13.18-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - GRAM Client Library
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-gram-job-manager-14.36-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - GRAM Jobmanager
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-gram-job-manager-condor-2.6-5.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - Condor Job Manager Support
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-gridftp-server-12.2-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP Server
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-gssapi-gsi-12.17-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - GSSAPI library
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-io-11.9-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - uniform I/O interface
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-net-manager-0.17-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - Network Manager
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-xio-5.16-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus XIO Framework
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-xio-gsi-driver-3.11-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus XIO GSI Driver
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-xio-pipe-driver-3.10-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus Pipe Driver
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 globus-xio-udt-driver-1.28-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Globus Toolkit - Globus XIO UDT Driver
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 glusterfs-3.10.4-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-ab57db3c8a)
 Distributed File System
Update Information:

3.10.4 GA

 kernel-4.11.9-300.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-5a05bdbc0d)
 The Linux kernel
Update Information:

The 4.11.9 update contains a number of important fixes across the tree

 libblockdev-2.10-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-d87007c4d5)
 A library for low-level manipulation with block devices
Update Information:

New upstream minor release with bugfixes and enhancements

 libtirpc-1.0.2-0.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-6a545c79e3)
 Transport Independent RPC Library
Update Information:

Updated to the latest upstream release: 1.0.2

 licensecheck-3.0.30-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-1cbdb06176)
 Simple license checker for source files
Update Information:

Update to version 3.0.30, see http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/JONASS/App-
Licensecheck-v3.0.30/Changes for details.

 lizardfs-3.11.2-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-a41887d492)
 Distributed, fault tolerant file system
Update Information:

This is a point release that fixes a few bugs, mainly in readahead and caching.

 lucene-6.1.0-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 High-performance, full-featured text search engine
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 myproxy-6.1.28-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-0eea793538)
 Manage X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials
Update Information:

globus-ftp-client  * Adapt to Perl 5.26 - POSIX::tmpnam() no longer available *
Remove some redundant tests to reduce test time  globus-gass-cache-program  *
GT6 update  globus-gass-copy  * Don't attempt sshftp data protection without
creds (9.24) * Checksum verification based on contribution from IBM (9.24) * Fix
uninitialized field related crash (9.25) * Remove checksum data from public
handle (9.26) * Prevent some race conditions (9.27)  globus-gram-client  * GT6
update  globus-gram-job-manager  * Default to running personal gatekeeper on an
ephemeral port  globus-gram-job-manager-condor  * Make noarch build arch
independent  globus-gridftp-server  * New error message format (12.0) *
Configuration database (12.0) * Better delay for end of session ref check (12.1)
* Fix tests when getgroups() does not return effective gid (12.2)  globus-
gssapi-gsi  * Don't unlock unlocked mutex (12.14) * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
(12.15) * Test fixes (12.16/12.17) * Drop patch globus-gssapi-gsi-mutex-
unlock.patch (fixed upstream 12.14)  globus-io  * Remove legacy SSLv3 support
globus-net-manager  * Fix .pc typo * Drop patch globus-net-manager-
pkgconfig.patch (fixed upstream)  globus-xio  * Don't rely on
globus_error_put(NULL) to be GLOBUS_SUCCESS (5.15) * Fix crash in error handling
in http driver (5.16)  globus-xio-gsi-driver  * Fix crash when checking for
anonymous GSS name when name comparison fails  globus-xio-pipe-driver  * Fix .pc
typo  globus-xio-udt-driver  * Don't force --static flag to pkg-config * Drop
some BuildRequires no longer needed with above change * Fix undefined symbols
during linking  myproxy  * Fix error check (6.1.26) * Remove legacy SSLv3
support (6.1.27)

 oniguruma-6.4.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-d2b913dc60)
 Regular expressions library
Update Information:

New version 6.4.0 is released.

 openvas-cli-1.4.5-3.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-3fb16e3a65)
 Command-line tool to drive OpenVAS Manager
Update Information:

Update to openvas-9

  [ 1 ] Bug #1393605 - openvas-gsa-7.0.2 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #1393634 - openvas-manager-7.0.2 is available
  [ 3 ] Bug #736321 - openvas-scanner: Insecure temporary file use by generation of an OVAL system characteristics document, when ovaldi support enabled [epel-6]
  [ 4 ] Bug #1424031 - openvas-libraries: FTBFS in rawhide
  [ 5 ] Bug #1393635 - openvas-libraries-9.0.1 is available

 openvas-gsa-7.0.2-2.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-3fb16e3a65)
 Greenbone Security Assistant (GSA) is GUI to the OpenVAS
Update Information:

Update to openvas-9

  [ 1 ] Bug #1393605 - openvas-gsa-7.0.2 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #1393634 - openvas-manager-7.0.2 is available
  [ 3 ] Bug #736321 - openvas-scanner: Insecure temporary file use by generation of an OVAL system characteristics document, when ovaldi support enabled [epel-6]
  [ 4 ] Bug #1424031 - openvas-libraries: FTBFS in rawhide
  [ 5 ] Bug #1393635 - openvas-libraries-9.0.1 is available

 openvas-libraries-9.0.1-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-3fb16e3a65)
 Support libraries for Open Vulnerability Assessment (OpenVAS) Scanner
Update Information:

Update to openvas-9

  [ 1 ] Bug #1393605 - openvas-gsa-7.0.2 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #1393634 - openvas-manager-7.0.2 is available
  [ 3 ] Bug #736321 - openvas-scanner: Insecure temporary file use by generation of an OVAL system characteristics document, when ovaldi support enabled [epel-6]
  [ 4 ] Bug #1424031 - openvas-libraries: FTBFS in rawhide
  [ 5 ] Bug #1393635 - openvas-libraries-9.0.1 is available

 openvas-manager-7.0.2-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-3fb16e3a65)
 Manager Module for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS)
Update Information:

Update to openvas-9

  [ 1 ] Bug #1393605 - openvas-gsa-7.0.2 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #1393634 - openvas-manager-7.0.2 is available
  [ 3 ] Bug #736321 - openvas-scanner: Insecure temporary file use by generation of an OVAL system characteristics document, when ovaldi support enabled [epel-6]
  [ 4 ] Bug #1424031 - openvas-libraries: FTBFS in rawhide
  [ 5 ] Bug #1393635 - openvas-libraries-9.0.1 is available

 openvas-scanner-5.1.1-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-3fb16e3a65)
 Open Vulnerability Assessment (OpenVAS) Scanner
Update Information:

Update to openvas-9

  [ 1 ] Bug #1393605 - openvas-gsa-7.0.2 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #1393634 - openvas-manager-7.0.2 is available
  [ 3 ] Bug #736321 - openvas-scanner: Insecure temporary file use by generation of an OVAL system characteristics document, when ovaldi support enabled [epel-6]
  [ 4 ] Bug #1424031 - openvas-libraries: FTBFS in rawhide
  [ 5 ] Bug #1393635 - openvas-libraries-9.0.1 is available

 php-7.1.7-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-b8bb4b86e2)
 PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
Update Information:

**PHP version 7.1.7** (06 Jul 2017)  **Core:**  * Fixed bug php#74738 (Multiple
[PATH=] and [HOST=] sections not properly parsed). (Manuel Mausz) * Fixed bug
php#74658 (Undefined constants in array properties result in broken properties).
(Laruence) * Fixed misparsing of abstract unix domain socket names. (Sara) *
Fixed bug php#74603 (PHP INI Parsing Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability).
(Stas) * Fixed bug php#74101, bug php#74614 (Unserialize Heap Use-After-Free
(READ: 1) in zval_get_type). (Nikita) * Fixed bug php#74111 (Heap buffer
overread (READ: 1) finish_nested_data from unserialize). (Nikita) * Fixed bug
php#74819 (wddx_deserialize() heap out-of-bound read via php_parse_date()).
(Derick)  **Date:**  * Fixed bug php#74639 (implement clone for DatePeriod and
DateInterval). (andrewnester)  **DOM:**  * Fixed bug php#69373 (References to
deleted XPath query results). (ttoohey)  **Intl:**  * Fixed bug php#73473 (Stack
Buffer Overflow in msgfmt_parse_message). (libnex) * Fixed bug php#74705 (Wrong
reflection on Collator::getSortKey and collator_get_sort_key). (Tyson Andre,
Remi)  **Mbstring:**  * Add oniguruma upstream fix (CVE-2017-9224,
CVE-2017-9226, CVE-2017-9227, CVE-2017-9228, CVE-2017-9229) (Remi, Mamoru
TASAKA)  **Opcache:**  * Fixed bug php#74663 (Segfault with
opcache.memory_protect and validate_timestamp). (Laruence) * Revert
opcache.enable_cli to default disabled. (Nikita)  **OpenSSL:**  * Fixed bug
php#74720 (pkcs7_en/decrypt does not work if \x1a is used in content). (Anatol)
* Fixed bug php#74651 (negative-size-param (-1) in memcpy in
zif_openssl_seal()). (Stas)  **Reflection:**  * Fixed bug php#74673 (Segfault
when cast Reflection object to string with undefined constant). (Laruence)
**SPL:**  * Fixed bug php#74478 (null coalescing operator failing with
SplFixedArray). (jhdxr)  **FTP:**  * Fixed bug php#74598 (ftp:// wrapper ignores
context arg). (Sara)  **PHAR:**  * Fixed bug php#74386 (Phar::__construct
reflection incorrect). (villfa)  **SOAP**  * Fixed bug php#74679 (Incorrect
conversion array with WSDL_CACHE_MEMORY). (Dmitry)  **Streams:**  * Fixed bug
php#74556 (stream_socket_get_name() returns '\0'). (Sara)

 php-symfony-2.8.24-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-7072a9fdfd)
 PHP framework for web projects
Update Information:

**Version 2.8.24** (2017-07-05)   * bug #23378 [FrameworkBundle] Do not remove
files from assets dir (1ed)  ----  **Version  2.8.23** (2017-07-04)   * bug
#23341 [DoctrineBridge][Security][Validator] do not validate empty values
(xabbuh)  * bug #23274 Display a better error design when the toolbar cannot be
displayed (yceruto)  * bug #23333 [PropertyAccess] Fix TypeError discard
(dunglas)  * bug #23345 [Console] fix description of INF default values (xabbuh)
* bug #23279 Don't call count on non countable object (pierredup)  * bug #23283
[TwigBundle] add back exception check (xabbuh)  * bug #23268 Show exception is
checked twice in ExceptionController of twig (gmponos)  * bug #23266 Display a
better error message when the toolbar cannot be displayed (javiereguiluz)  * bug
#23271 [FrameworkBundle] allow SSI fragments configuration in XML files (xabbuh)
* bug #23254 [Form][TwigBridge] render hidden _method field in form_rest()
(xabbuh)  * bug #23250 [Translation] return fallback locales whenever possible
(xabbuh)  * bug #23240 [Console] Fix catching exception type in QuestionHelper
(voronkovich)  * bug #23229 [WebProfilerBundle] Eliminate line wrap on count
column (routing) (e-moe)  * bug #22732 [Security] fix switch user _exit without
having current token (dmaicher)  * bug #22730 [FrameworkBundle] Sessions:
configurable "use_strict_mode" option for NativeSessionStorage (MacDada)  * bug
#23195 [FrameworkBundle] [Command] Clean bundle directory, fixes #23177
(NicolasPion)  * bug #23052 [TwigBundle] Add Content-Type header for exception
response (rchoquet)  * bug #23199 Reset redirectCount when throwing exception
(hvanoch)  * bug #23186 [TwigBundle] Move template.xml loading to a compiler
pass (ogizanagi)  * bug #23130 Keep s-maxage when expiry and validation are used
in combination (mpdude)  * bug #23129 Fix two edge cases in
ResponseCacheStrategy (mpdude)  * feature #22636 [Routing] Expose request in
route conditions, if needed and possible (ro0NL)  * bug #22636 [Routing] Expose
request in route conditions, if needed and possible (ro0NL)  * bug #23057
[Translation][FrameworkBundle] Fix resource loading order inconsistency reported
in #23034 (mpdude)  * bug #23092 [Filesystem] added workaround in
Filesystem::rename for PHP bug (VolCh)  * bug #23128 [HttpFoundation] fix for
Support for new 7.1 session options (vincentaubert)  * bug #23176 [VarDumper]
fixes (nicolas-grekas)  * bug #22953 #22839 - changed debug toolbar dump section
to relative and use full window width (mkurzeja)  * bug #23086 [FrameworkBundle]
Fix perf issue in CacheClearCommand::warmup() (nicolas-grekas)  * bug #23098
Cache ipCheck (2.7) (gonzalovilaseca)  * bug #23069 [SecurityBundle] Show unique
Inherited roles in profile panel (yceruto)

 pyproj- (FEDORA-2017-5aacb872da)
 Cython wrapper to provide python interfaces to Proj
Update Information:

* Rename pyproj to python2-pyproj following the new package naming scheme *
Setup filtering for private libs correctly * Move package specific
(Build)Requires in the correspondig sub-packages

  [ 1 ] Bug #1467366 - pyproj: python2-pyproj- and python3-pyproj- do not have a dependency on Python

 python-cornice-1.1.0-8.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-e8f23b782b)
 Define Web Services in Pyramid
Update Information:

Use python2- provides and requires where appropriate.

 python-slackclient-1.0.6-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-eb2f5d9307)
 Slack Developer Kit for Python
Update Information:

New package.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1467995 - Review Request: python-slackclient - Slack Developer Kit for Python

 python-trezor-0.7.16-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-3876f355dc)
 Python library for communicating with TREZOR Hardware Wallet
Update Information:

Updated to latest version and fixed bug on f25 related to protobuffer 2

  [ 1 ] Bug #1462577 - python-trezor-0.7.16 is available

 qemu-2.9.0-1.fc26.1 (FEDORA-2017-db0ad12bde)
 QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator
Update Information:

This update temporarily disables the `query-cpu-model-expansion` and `query-cpu-
model-baseline` [QMP](http://wiki.qemu.org/Documentation/QMP) commands to avoid
a significant bug when qemu 2.9 is used with libvirt 3.2 (on some systems,
default Boxes and virt-manager VMs would fail to start). A fix for libvirt will
likely arrive soon, at which point this change will be reverted.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1467599 - Unable to start domain: the CPU is incompatible with host CPU: Host CPU does not provide required features: svm

 the_silver_searcher-2.0.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-19bfd1d121)
 Super-fast text searching tool (ag)
Update Information:

update to 2.0.0

 tycho-1.0.0-6.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Plugins and extensions for building Eclipse plugins and OSGI bundles with Maven
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available

 tycho-extras-1.0.0-1.fc26 (FEDORA-2017-38e9fa084b)
 Additional plugins for Tycho
Update Information:

Update Eclipse to Oxygen release. See the upstream release notes:

  [ 1 ] Bug #1446899 - PyDev 5.7.0 is available
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