Re: Rawhide: where for art thou? (why no rawhide composes recently)

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On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 2:11 PM, Kevin Fenzi <kevin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Greetings.
> Some folks may have noticed that there have been no completed rawhide
> composes in a while (13 days as of today).
> This has been due to a variety of bugs and issues, along with pungi now
> failing composes that don't have all required release blocking items.

Is there a way we can loosen that up for rawhide and have it tightened
down for branched. I think it's worth while to have at least a flow of
the everything repository out on a regular basis like the old pre
pungi-4 use to do.

> Here's a partial list:
> 2017-06-01 - lorax traceback, bug 1457055
> 2017-06-02 - another lorax issue, bug 1457906
> 2017-06-03 - cloud base failed in anaconda, bug 1458509
> 2017-06-04 - ditto
> 2017-06-05 - ditto
> 2017-06-06 - pungi bug -
> 2017-06-07 - ditto
> 2017-06-08 - ditto
> 2017-06-09 - ditto
> 2017-06-10 - ditto
> 2017-06-11 - ditto
> 2017-06-12 - ditto
> 2017-06-12.1 - pungi bug fixed, but hit libgtop2 broken deps in metacity
> that failed the comppose. I fixed those (and control-center) last night.
> 2017-06-13 - still running, cross your fingers.
> All of this has been made a bit worse by us having some storage slowness
> which means you can really only do about 2 rawhide compose attempts a
> day. Thats being worked on and hopefully we will get it fixed soon.
> You can also see here there were some gaps where we didn't yet have the
> bug tracked down or didn't yet have a fix in place. We need to try and
> do better there. (I was out on vacation last week, so it can't always be
> me).
> Anyhow, hopefully we will have a rawhide compose today, and if not I
> will keep poking it to get it going...
> kevin
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