Hello, I'm a new contributor to Fedora and this is my first time helping out with testing so I'm not sure where to report, in what format and everything else that is explained in the QA documentation pages that I haven't read yet. I upgraded from F23 and as per subject line Seamonkey segfaults on the existing profile. Here's a rundown of my tests: - Desktop: XFCE - Version: seamonkey-2.40-1.fc24.x86_64 - Configuration: - one profile - password protected (i.e. master password set which triggers the password prompt upon startup) - no addons How I tested: 1. Start Seamonkey. 2. Enter the master password. Result: Segmentation fault. 1. Start Seamonkey. 2. At the master password prompt press ESC. Result: Segmentation fault. Next, I created a new profile 'test', set it as default and re-tested: - No master password: 1. Start Seamonkey. - Result: Pass. - With master password: 1. Start Seamonkey. 2. Enter master password. - Result: Pass. I can provide a gdb backtrace. Looking forward to more testing fun. -- Viorel -- test mailing list test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: http://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx