F24 and hibernate

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Hi folks.

I've found that the hibernation feature, does not work on qemu-kvm. The
system is powered off instead. I reported this issue on RHBZ: https://b

We haven't got a specific criterion for hibernation. However, I've
proposed it as a blocker, because I think it's a severe misbehavior,
which is worth a discussion.

As always, I haven't enough hardware in order to test what happens on
bare metal. I'm sure we need more data, in order to understand whether
it's a general issue or it's only related to virtualization (which
would be less severe). How widespread is it?

So... If you are running Fedora 24 on a physical hardware, I'd like to
ask you how does hibernation behave on your system.

Thank you.
Have a nice day/night.


Giulio (juliuxpigface)
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