Re: F24 validation heads-up

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Il giorno mer, 30/03/2016 alle 14.40 -0700, Adam Williamson ha scritto:
> Hey folks! Just thought I'd keep people up to date on this: I'm gonna
> temporarily disable the validation event creation bot because we
> happen
> to know that F24 composes are completely borked right now, and I
> don't
> really want to get an event for one of them. We need a new anaconda
> build to fix the C.UTF-8 default locale bug, without that, all
> installs
> will simply crash.
> sbueno is aiming to do a new anaconda build tomorrow, so once we do
> get
> one we'll figure a way to get it karma'ed and pushed stable - either
> just by people building their own images to test or updating anaconda
> in live images, or I'll ask releng for a Beta candidate compose that
> includes it.
> For now Alpha is still the thing to test if you want to do some
> release
> validation testing, it's still useful to fill in missing Beta and
> Final
> tests in the Alpha matrices even though Alpha has been released,
> because the results will be tracked in testcase_stats and of course
> if
> you find any bugs you can file them and nominate them as blockers if
> appropriate.
> Thanks folks!

Hi Adam.

I'd like to ask a question about this temporary part of release
validation testing.

Which one of the following scenario do you recommend?
Scenario 1) Sticking with Alpha 1.7, without performing updates. Fill
in the matrices with results coming from it.
Scenario 2) Running the test cases with an up to date F24 Alpha system.
Fill in the matrices with it.

Both of these have drawbacks:
Scenario 1) The wiki ends up with a mix of Alpha 1.7 and "updated
Alpha" results. So do the stats.
Scenario 2) If I remember right, Gnome 3.20 has been pushed stable
after the release of F24 Alpha. So, testing the version shipped with
Alpha 1.7, might not be so useful, when approaching Beta and Final test

In my opinion, the first scenario is not a big problem. Stats are
interesting, but a proper testing looks more important and nobody will
complain if we mess up some matrices. But, if we report an already
fixed problem, we waste time.

So... I'd rather test an up to date system.
What do you think?

Thank you.

Giulio (juliuxpigface)
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