Firefox, to find Cockpit running on Fedora server wants the IPv6 address in the form: http://[2601:282:702:b65c:a871:6172:b20f:3a0b]:9090 And then ssh wants it in the form ssh chris@2601:282:702:b65c:a871:6172:b20f:3a0b But I don't actually know what form TigerVNC wants it in. I just tried nmap -6 -A -T4 and it finds this # nmap -6 -A -T4 2601:282:702:b65c:baae:edff:fe77:ea51 Starting Nmap 7.00 ( ) at 2016-01-29 16:22 MST Nmap scan report for 2601:282:702:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Host is up (0.00089s latency). Not shown: 999 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 5901/tcp open vnc VNC (protocol 3.8) | vnc-info: | Protocol version: 3.8 | Security types: | None (1) |_ WARNING: Server does not require authentication OK so that seems like it's listening on port 5901 via IPv6. But what to plug into TigerVNC? DOH! [IP]:1 That works. OK I just didn't iterate enough. And once again it's user error. Chris Murphy -- test mailing list test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: