On 23.07.2014 18:59, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
On Tue, 22 Jul 2014 23:01:29 -0500
Dan Mossor <danofsatx@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The guys in #releng told me the slow downloads were my issue. I'm
glad it's not just me - I can't offer much beyond confirmation that
there is a problem with koji.
There really isn't a problem with koji.
It sounds like there's a network problem on some provider between your
machine and koji.
Could someone seeing this please open an infrastructure ticket and
The exact image/url you were downloading
The speed
a traceroute from your machine you are downloading from to kojipkgs
(or whatever server you are downloading from)
If others can add there information, perhaps we can trace it to a
single provider that we can ask to look into it?
There are no problemos with e.g.
Fedora 21 boot.iso can be built locally, no big deal.
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