On 09/25/2013 02:43 PM, Kamil Paral wrote:
I'll try to organize a few people locally in Sofia to
participate in Fedora 20 test days, currently interested in
Virtualization Test Day and Gnome Test Day on Oct 8th and 10th.
looking at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2013-10-10_Gnome_3.10 I
see a few names from Brno, so I'd expect at least 10-16 CEST (8-14 UTC) to
be covered
and I'd expect the same with Virtualization (page does not exist yet)
if in doubt, ping the coordinator (Martix I think?)
Martix is no longer coordinating test days, Mike Ruckman (roshi) is.
In general, we try to have full day coverage at least for Europe and America. But of course the most important IRC contact points are the developers, and they might all come from a single location, depending on the particular test day topic.
If you plan to organize a local event, I would recommend you to go through the test day tickets [1] or test day wiki pages, find the relevant developers names and ask them whether they will be available online during your event.
I dont think there is any actual requirement for developers to be
available during test day.
We might have started out that way but we always planned to migrate away
from it as well as extending test days over couple of days like test
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