As always, minutes and IRC transcript available on the wiki at Next meeting is scheduled for 2012-01-16 at 1600 UTC in #fedora-meeting. If you have topics you think we should bring up at the meeting, please add them to the Wiki page at . Thanks! TOPIC: F16 retrospective task update =================================================================== * Two tickets are closed already and most of the others are being worked on actively TOPIC: FUDCon Blacksburg notes =================================================================== * tflink, adamwill, j_dulaney and red_alert will all be present * j_dulaney is planning an autoqa hackfest on friday * The anaconda ui test hackfest is planned for all day sunday * We will try to meet up for lunch as a group on friday TOPIC: AutoQA update =================================================================== * kparal added caching proxy support inside AutoQA * kparal fixed several issues with sending out opt-out and opt-in emails * autoqa-results list is back, now with fewer messages! * kparal proposed using an icon that rather resembles the version of Marvin from the recent H2G2 movie as AutoQA's icon, tflink and adamw raised legal concerns; kparal will check in with spot regarding this TOPIC: Open floor: remote_install update =================================================================== * tflink notes the remote_install project is working at demo quality behind the RH VPN at present * public demo will be made available soon using a public cloud system, probably ohi -- Adam Williamson Fedora QA Community Monkey IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | adamwfedora -- test mailing list test@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: