Re: Sphinx/Doxygen HTML documentation and bundling guidelines

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For Sphinx HTML at least, a "proper" solution might be to create (and maintain) a Public Domain theme that does not bundle any JavaScript etc. and uses shared resources from Fedora if needed (or better yet, does not use any), and ask packagers to manually change the theme to this one. If that works, we could even provide a convenient macro/script to build it instead of requiring each package to patch

This seems like a somewhat nontrivial effort, but it could be technically workable.

Some documentation is tightly tied to special features of its preferred Sphinx theme, but most documentation will build acceptably (just as good, or slightly degraded) with any theme.

Patching in one way or another would still be needed, as it generally contains essential project-specific information, configuration, and plugin setup. However, in most cases the theme could be adjusted by simply appending

  > html_theme = "my_foo_theme"

to the end of the file to override the upstream setting rather than patching more intelligently.

As for PDF docs, has anybody checked if they bundle fonts?

Well, a PDF generated via Doxygen that I spot-checked by opening it in FontForge certainly does: various flavors of Computer Modern, Nimbus Sans, Nimbus Mono, and DejaVu Sans (all subsetted to include only the glyphs that are actually used). A PDF generated via Sphinx contained various flavors of TeX Gyre Heros, TeX Gyre Termes, Nimbus Roman No. 9, t1xtt, and tcxtt (also subsetted). You can also examine these with “pdffonts” from poppler-utils. But what’s to be done about it?

All the routes I know of to get PDF documentation from either Doxygen or Sphinx go via LaTeX; the documentation system can be asked to output LaTeX, and then pdflatex does the rest, often via a generated helper Makefile. In many cases, like Computer Modern, the t??tt fonts, and the TeX Gyre fonts, the font is originally a Type 1 PostScript font and has no OpenType (TTF/OTF) equivalent in the first place.

I’m not aware of a way to remove embedded fonts from a PDF using free software, nor am I aware of a way to ask pdflatex not to embed them (again, in cases where an OpenType equivalent suitable for packaging as a system font even exists).

If the ban on bundled fonts were interpreted as applying to PDF font embedding, I think that would be tantamount to a practical ban on the PDF file format. It’s hard for me to imagine that outcome is what was intended, but maybe I’m wrong.


The current versions of the cairomm[1] and gi-docgen[2] spec files demonstrate what generating PDF documentation from Doxygen and Sphinx, respectively, can look like. (I have found some packages where Doxygen-generated LaTeX can’t be rendered because it exhausts some fixed TeX resource limit—upstreams commonly test HTML output only—but these techniques do seem to work in most cases.)

[1] [2]
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