Materializing forge VCS information in json? files

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I'm relunctantly coming to the conclusion that tracking VCS forge
information (url, commit, tag, version…) in rpm variables is not

The reason is the interaction between:
 — BuildRequires generators
 — multiple rpm source archives
 — the fact that those sources may not be synchronized
   (with different upstream versions, tag, commits, etc)

Because rpm has no notion of BuildProvides, BuildRequires generation
must be careful to remove the elements the build will produce from
BuildRequires. That makes BuildRequires generation a full-build
operation, unlike the nice per-element operation Requires and Provides
generation is.

Removing the elements the build will produce requires knowing the
versionning characteristics of each one of them. And, when people do
unsynchronized sources builds (as does happen, unfortunately, in the
real world) one can not assume all the elemants share the same
versioning info.

So BuildRequires generation is not:

for each atom, genbr --version=atomversion atomname


genbr --version=atomversion atomname1 atomname2…


genbr --version=atomversion1 atomname1 -version=atomversion2 atomname2…

And at that point most CLI arg parsers will break horribly, even
if you've been careful to track all the required info in rpm variables,
and can technically construct the whole command line.

(massively simplified example here, upstream language-specific
versionning is not a single version atom but a composition of multiple

So, my cunning plan®, whenever I get there, would be to modify
forgesetup to write in each archive extract directory a forge.json file
will all the versioning information of the VCS extract, and just let
BuildRequires generators read this file an do whatever they want with
it. That probably means making forgesetup auto-add a BuildRequires on a
json writing lib, since I doubt the default build environment includes

The forge.json thing could probably be useful for other things I can't
imagine today.

Any idea on how to make it all simpler? (except that people should not
do multi-source unsynchronized builds, which I violently agree with,
but in the real world they do those things so the tooling must adapt).

Alternatively rpm could grow a BuildProvides notion, which would make
the whole problem go away, but I sort of feel it's too early to ask for
that and just getting
finished would be great


Nicolas Mailhot
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