i'm asking for a clarification/suggestions here before filling in an
exception request at https://fedorahosted.org/fpc.
I'm packaging a python software called gpaw:
During the tests in %check gpaw uses some static xml and python pckl
data (these are definitions related to chemical symbols).
The data (gpaw-setups) belongs to gpaw (see
and gpaw won't run without it, however gpaw and gpaw-setups are
versioned separately, and therefore
they need to be packaged separately (two separate spec files).
gpaw-setups are being packaged here
I'm asked by the reviewer to remove gpaw-setups bundling from gpaw.
Does the concept of bundling apply to this case?
The problem is that each gpaw release requires a specific release of
gpaw-setups in order for the gpaw tests to pass.
It may happen that new gpaw-setups are released without a new gpaw release.
If the gpaw-setups corresponding to the gpaw release are not bundled in
gpaw one won't be able to run %check during a rebuild of gpaw.
gpaw-setups are bundled in gpaw.spec only for the purpose of %check.
Best regards,
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