On 01/24/2014 11:32 AM, Paul Howarth wrote:
On 24/01/14 02:59, Christopher Meng wrote:
Povray was disallowed in Fedora because prior to 3.7 version its
license is non-free[1]. An archive is available at:
Now since 3.7 it has been re-licensed under AGPLv3 and now Ralf has
packaged it and prepared to push it to Fedora[2].
But I found something not sure about in the SPEC file[3], as this
software supports setting vendor names during building:
I see that Ralf wrote COMPILED_BY="The Fedora Project", but I'm not
sure if it's the correct one?
Here are the choices avilable IMO ONLY:
COMPILED_BY="The Fedora Project"
COMPILED_BY="Fedora Project"
Thoughts and ideas are welcome.
Perhaps rather than hard-coding it, it could use "%{?vendor}", which
might work out better for downstream distros?
I *think* the Fedora build system sets this to "Fedora Project".
Correct. However this is slightly problematic, because it renders
building this package non-deterministic and/or may cause building to
fail (They do not accept COMPILED_BY to be unset, but I haven't checked
if they accept an empty string).
In other words, we'd have to resort to using something like
with somestring possibly being set to e.g. $(whoami) or $(id -u -n).
Of course, an alternative would be to patch the sources to get rid of
this all (Pretty easily doable)
Anyway, AFAICT, the actual intention of the povray folks is to
a) propagate a bugreport address, such that they do not get molested
with them. At least, they encourage
COMPILED_BY="Name <email-address>"
Because of this I had considered to set it to
"Fedora Povray Packager <povray-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"
once this package makes it into the official repos.
b) clearly separate "official" builds (performed by them) from
"inofficial" builds (not performed by them).
I'd presumably this is for legal reasons.
ATM, I am leaning towards something along the lines (Untested) of
COMPILED_BY="%{?vendor:%vendor <povray-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"
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