On 12/04/2013 11:51 AM, Bohuslav Kabrda wrote:
Hi all,
as you probably know, the "Python 3 as a Default" [1] change has been accepted by FESCo and is currently targeted for F22.
As a part of that Change, I also wrote that we should rethink some aspects of Python packaging in Fedora. I have put together a proposal that summarizes the current state and proposes a new approach to Python packaging [2]
Before I propose it to FPC, I'd like to discuss it and work on it here on lists and incorporate everybody's notes/suggestions.
So thanks for reading this through and sending your comments.
You are missing that "Provides" in your examples.
And I would emphasize
and even put in to your guidelines example. Because a lot of maintainers forgot this.
Something like:
Be sure to correctly (replace
# first version where binary python2-foo replaced python-foo
%global old_version 1.23
%package -n python2-foo
Provides: python-foo = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: python-foo < %{old_version}
Miroslav Suchy, RHCE, RHCDS
Red Hat, Software Engineer, #brno, #devexp, #fedora-buildsys
packaging mailing list