lately, I stumbled upon a review, which I thought, wouldn't suffice.
It looks like the following
name: ok
summary: ok
license: ok
handling locale files: ok
rpmlint output: only spelling warning
Not needed BuildRequires: (names), please remove them in git.
My question is: is this review sufficient, if not, where is it written
down, that it isn't? I'm especially aiming to the form of this review.
I wasn't able to spot a requirement to write something like approved (or
something else) on
Further more, there isn't anything said about how the reviewer should
document his work. If we deny the requirement of documenting reviewer's
operation, then just setting the approved flag conforms with the
guidelines; This also claims, everything has been checked and is well done.
Am I missing something? Is there any need to clarify our review
guidelines? Do we need something more documented? Do we trust our
reviewers, so there's no need of bureaucracy? Why should/must I do more
than just setting the flag or writing 7 catchwords?
Matthias Runge <mrunge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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