Apologies for missing this when the recommendation of %global over %define in Fedora guidelines was being discussed, but better late than never...
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/Guidelines#.25global_preferred_over_.25definesays "The two macro defining statements behave the same when they are a the top level of rpm's nesting level" but this is not correct:
The body of a %global macro is expanded at definition time, whereas the body of a %define is expanded only when used. For many uses it doesn't make any difference but identical they are not, even on top level - for example see the attached example spec:
$ rpmbuild -bp macroex.spec 2>/dev/null|grep ^case case1: first - second case2: second - %{xxx} Another example of this difference (in case of parametrized macros): https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=495658 - Panu -
%global xxx first %global glob1 %{xxx} %define def1 %{xxx} %global glob2 %%{xxx} %define def2 %%{xxx} %global xxx second Name: macroex Version: 1 Release: 1 License: GPL Group: Testing Summary: global vs define %description %{summary} %prep echo case1: %{glob1} - %{def1} echo case2: %{glob2} - %{def2}
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