Conner Finlay wrote:
Hello list,
I have searched Google high and low, but I have not found an answer. I
have a spec file that requires some perl modules, ie Net::IP,
XML::Simple, etc. For all but one there is an RPM available for it. In
the SPEC file I have them as Requires: perl(Net::IP) and the spec file
builds fine(rpmbuild -ba -v) but when I go to install the RPM it
complains about the missing perl modules. If I do a `yum install
perl-xyz` and rebuild the SPEC file, it will not complain about the
missing perl modules. How can I have the SPEC file download/install the
perl modules/packages? If it is easier, I can also post the SPEC file
If you use yum to install the rpm you've built, it will resolve the
dependencies and install them too.
When you specify "Requires: foo", this means that your package needs
"foo" on the system to run, but not necessarily to build, so rpm
enforces this when you try to install the package. If you want "foo"
available at build time (perhaps to run a test suite), you specify that
as "BuildRequires: foo", and rpm-build will insist you have "foo" when
you try to build the package.
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