Patrice Dumas wrote, at 10/25/2008 11:25 PM +9:00:
On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 11:11:31PM +0900, Mamoru Tasaka wrote:
But README.fedora may be _really_ Fedora specific issue
(e.g. for better performance another files are needed but packaging
them altogether cannot be done due to Fedora policy, as you and I wrote
on xtide-common package)
It may happen, to have something really fedora specific, and not specific
of a rpm distribution,
I don't care about other distrubution than Fedora.
Well, the file named "README.Fedora" I wrote is really what I meant
for Fedora. I don't want to take any responsibility for other distrubution.
The maintainers on other distribution may want to reuse what I wrote
for Fedora, but in such case the maintainer (of other distrubution)
must mention:
The notes Fedora maintainer writes are also applied to the package
distributed on this distrubition, so I bollowed the notes.
If you see something wrong on this notes please ask "me", not Fedora
Well, I think generally the package maintainer on a distrubution
must write the notes for the distrubution (if any) by his/her
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