> If a package contains a GUI application, then it needs to also
include a properly installed .desktop file. For the purposes
> of these guidelines, a GUI application is defined as any application
which draws an X window and runs from within that
> window.
This is just not right. xeyes draws an X window - do you want a desktop
file for it ?! xev draws an X window, too.
nautilus is certainly a GUI application - do you want to see it in the
menus ? On the other hand, I can easily imagine
non-GUI applications that may deserve a place on the menus.
IMO this whole sentence should be nuked and replaced by something like:
If a package contains an application that users would expect to find in
the panel menus, it needs to include a properly
installed .desktop file.
> Installed .desktop files MUST follow the [[WWW] desktop-entry-spec
paying particular attention to validating correct usage
> of Name, GenericName <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GenericName>,
[[WWW] Categories
<http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html>], [[WWW]
<http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/startup-notification-spec>] entries.
A number of comments on this:
1) The desktop-entry-spec doesn't acutally define correct usage of Name
and GenericName, all it does is giving a single
example of how you could use these fields.
2) While I can see where this is coming from, and may even sympathize
with a "correct usage" of Name and GenericName,
simply decreeing that it has to be so is not going to make it happen.
Packagers really cannot do anything to enforce
"correct usage", because doing so would require them to speak all the
40+ languages in which these locale strings are
typically translated.
Finally, I think it would be beneficial to mention nimetypes and
update-desktop-database in this section.
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