On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 23:29:37 +0000, José Pedro Oliveira wrote: > Before importing the following tetex packages SRPMS - tetex-bytefield, > tetex-xcolor, tetex-pgf. tetex-beamer - I would like to pose a question > regarding the source file version control done by/in the CVS side cache > (make upload FILES=...): > > Description of the problem: > The source tarballs for the above tetex packages are all created on the > fly by the DANTE CTAN master mirror. The main problem is that CTAN only > has the latest version of every package and that the tarball generated > has no version in its name (see for example: > http://gsd.di.uminho.pt/jpo/software/RPMS/tetex-bytefield.spec). > > Although there is a possibility of finding versioned tarballs for > some of the above packages, the problem remains for other CTAN Latex > packages - no author homepage with versioned tarballs. > > Question: > Should I manually had a version to the DANTE generated tarball? Or > can the CVS accept a new tarball with the same name when a package > update occurs The lookaside cache can accept file changes which result in a changed MD5 fingerprint. I recommened, however, that you be more explicit with file naming and insert the date of download into the otherwise non-versioned tarball file name, e.g. bytefield-20030523.tar.gz instead of just bytefield.tar.gz