On Mon, 7 Mar 2005, Warren Togami wrote:
No modifying %{SOURCE*} during rpmbuild.
Well, DUH!
Stuff included in %{SOURCE*} must not be modified during rpmbuild
because the resulting .src.rpm will contain the modified version, not
original. You should instead make a copy, then modify that copy.
Example from gaim.spec:
# If not using gnome-open, then default to htmlview
+cp %{SOURCE1} prefs.xml
if [ "%{gnome_open_integration}" == "0" ]; then
- sed -i "s/gnome-open/custom/g" %{SOURCE1}
- sed -i "s/pref name='command' type='string' value=''/pref
name='command' type='string' value='htmlview'/" %{SOURCE1}
+ sed -i "s/gnome-open/custom/g" prefs.xml
+ sed -i "s/pref name='command' type='string' value=''/pref
name='command' type='string' value='htmlview'/" prefs.xml
Warren Togami
Fedora-packaging mailing list
Cristian Gafton -- gafton@xxxxxxxxxx -- Red Hat, Inc.
"Linux is a leprosy; and is having a deleterious effect on the U.S. IT
industry because it is steadily depreciating the value of the software
industry sector."
-- Kenneth Brown, President, Alexis de Tocqueville Institution