[Bug 2213372] Review Request: hipcc - HIP compiler driver

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--- Comment #2 from Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> ---
> It would be best if hipcc and hipp.pl could go away and hipcc.bin became hipcc

Yeah I believe that is the plan.

> could this wait until the deprecation of hipcc.pl is completed upstream ?

I think, but don't quote me on this, the plan is:
5.6 > add hipcc package with hipcc.bin as alternative to perl
5.7 > move hipcc.pl/hipcc to hipcc package, deprecate perl and default to
6.0 > drop perl, delete hipcc, rename hipcc.bin to hipcc
Same idea with hipconfig{,.pl,.bin}
Anyway, I can hold on to this until 5.6 or 5.7 if you want, I just wanted to
prepare in case there's issues.

> +# use %{url} to reduce generally all these instances that have it as a prefix

Good idea, I should do this to other ROCm packages too.

> +# battling hipcc vs hipcc.bin
> +# Conflicts:      hip <= 5.5.1

This isn't quite right. "hipcc" is just a wrapper script that calls "hipcc.pl"
pr "hipcc.bin". As I said above, I believe the plan is to drop hipcc and rename
hipcc.bin to hipcc, same with hipconfig.
I'd say it's more accurate for the hipcc package to depend on the hip package
until it's moved to the hipcc source (around 5.7 ish), then I can drop the hip
package and add a provides/obsoletes here.

OR I could just move everything now. Upstream has already moved everything in
their development branch.

> +# Needs a %check

Good point. I think hipcc is too immature and buggy in the 5.5 branch, hence
the errors.
When I tried to run hipcc.bin in the chroot with a simple compile test, it
fails to find math.h, despite being installed, and the -isystem '/usr/include'
being added.

I think we can put this review on hold and reconvene when 5.6 is released.

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