On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 10:02 PM, Rares Aioanei <schaiba@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Welcome Rares!
I noticed the Fedora Project needs writers, so I'd like to volunteer my skills. Part of my past work is to be found here : http://how-to.linuxcareer.com/rares-aioanei plus articles in the Linux Gazette and linuxconfig.org. I'm also part of the Fedora QA team, although I admit that I haven't been active in the past months. As I said, I'd like to help, but due to $day_job my time is somehow limited. Looking forward to get started!
Welcome Rares!
Just had a quick look at your previous work, and it looks pretty awesome! Any thoughts on the types of articles that you are keen to contribute?
First up (if you haven't already), you can log into the Magazine wordpress instance with your FAS account: http://fedoramagazine.org/logging-into-fedora-magazine-with-fas/
Once you have done that for the first time, let us know for FAS username here on this list, and one of the editors can grant you permission to create new posts.
Once we have gotten that access sorted, feel free to jump in to the wordpress instance, and create a new "pitch". A pitch is typically just a few sentences of what you think your proposed post will cover. All of the posts in the magazine start with a pitch, just to be sure that we don't waste time writing up a full article that might not be a good fit for the magazine.
Also, feel free to jump into #fedora-mktg anytime and ask questions, there should be people around to answer!
cheers, and welcome again!
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