[Marketing] Weekly Marketing Meeting Recap 2016-03-09

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Hi all, this week, I'm also including the Ambassadors list for the Marketing meeting minutes summary. There's a lot of overlap between the things Marketing is working on and how it relates to Ambassadors, so for anyone interested, feel free to read up on our meetings. :)

We meet weekly on Wednesdays, 21:00 UTC, #fedora-meeting-1!


Meeting ended Wed Mar 16 21:47:28 2016 UTC.
Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-03-16/marketing.2016-03-16-20.55.html Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-03-16/marketing.2016-03-16-20.55.txt Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-03-16/marketing.2016-03-16-20.55.log.html

* * * * *

#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Marketing meeting (2016-03-16)

Meeting started by jflory7 at 20:55:33 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* Roll Call  (jflory7, 20:55:43)
  * Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas  (jflory7,
  * Justin W. Flory; UTC-5; Marketing / Magazine, CommOps, Ambassadors,
    Join, and more  (jflory7, 20:56:07)

* Announcements  (jflory7, 21:07:59)
  * === "Fedora accepted to Google Summer of Code 2016" ===  (jflory7,
  * LINK:

    (jflory7, 21:08:08)
  * Fedora was accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of
    Code (GSoC) again. We have a good number of projects that applicants
    will be rolling into IRC channels and mailing lists to apply for. If
    anyone thinks they might be interested to help in a low committal
    type of role, feel free to idle in #fedora-summer-coding!  (jflory7,
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:08:19)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Summer_coding_ideas_for_2016
    (jflory7, 21:08:24)
  * === "Reminder: Flock talk submission deadline is April 8"  (jflory7,
  * LINK:

    (jflory7, 21:08:34)
  * Reminder that the deadline for submitting a talk or talks to Flock
    is this upcoming April 8th. If you are planning on getting something
    in, don't forget about that deadline!  (jflory7, 21:08:42)
  * == "Content Review: Community Branding Book (OSAS)" ==  (jflory7,
  * LINK:

    (jflory7, 21:08:54)
  * bkp proposed a list of summaries / elevator descriptions of the
    Fedora Project for use in a Community Branding Book, similar to Red
    Hat's Red Hat Branding Book.  (jflory7, 21:10:02)
  * AGREED: With slight revisions, proposed descriptions of Fedora by
    bkp approved by Marketing team.  (jflory7, 21:16:55)

* Action items from last meetings  (jflory7, 21:17:10)
  * === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Bring up Marketing meeting date and time with
    FAmNA on Thursday ===  (jflory7, 21:17:16)
  * === jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new
    guidelines proposed on the mailing list ===  (jflory7, 21:17:33)
  * ACTION: jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new
    guidelines proposed on the mailing list  (jflory7, 21:17:57)
  * === [COMPLETE] decause Double-check if the query to the Server WG
    mailing list made it through the moderation queue ===  (jflory7,
  * === bkp Update the Python brochure in the wiki for 2016 ===
    (jflory7, 21:18:15)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Python_brochure
    (jflory7, 21:18:20)
  * bkp has reached out Kushal Das, awaiting response. Will check back
    in next week.  (jflory7, 21:19:15)
  * === jzb Finish drafting F24 Cloud Alpha talking points (Due:
    2016-03-13) ===  (jflory7, 21:19:32)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:19:36)
  * ACTION: jzb Finish drafting F24 Cloud Alpha talking points
    (jflory7, 21:20:52)
  * === [COMPLETE] decause follow-up with server list, link to f24
    talking points ===  (jflory7, 21:21:00)
  * === linuxmodder to help fale / decause on talking points F24 server
    ===  (jflory7, 21:21:06)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 21:21:11)
  * === decause research an example FMN rule for social-media mailing
    list notifications to help coordinate postings ===  (jflory7,
  * ACTION: decause file a ticket on fedora-infra for FMN example
    messages time-out on email-list messages filter  (decause, 21:24:16)

* Tickets  (jflory7, 21:24:23)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/report/12   (jflory7,
  * === Ticket #219 ===  (jflory7, 21:24:33)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/219   (jflory7,
  * * "Create Python talking points for Ambassadors"  (jflory7,
  * bkp has reached out to Kushal Das about getting more information
    about updating the Python brochure  (jflory7, 21:25:06)
  * ACTION: jflory7 Contact Python SIG mailing list about the idea of
    organizing another Python2 => Python3 Porting vFAD and getting some
    extra marketing collateral on it ahead of time  (jflory7, 21:26:52)
  * LINK:
    (decause, 21:28:57)
  * ACTION: jflory7 Do Not Forget:
    (jflory7, 21:29:25)
  * AGREED: Shoot for having the final draft of the Fedora Marketing
    Python plan on May 4th  (jflory7, 21:31:52)
  * === Ticket #222 ===  (jflory7, 21:31:59)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/222   (jflory7,
  * * "Publicizing "Fedora affiliates" (or groups using Fedora)"
    (jflory7, 21:32:11)
  * AGREED: Skipping, will follow up on mailing list  (jflory7,
  * ACTION: jflory7 Follow up on mailing list with fale  (jflory7,
  * === Ticket #215 ===  (jflory7, 21:33:08)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/215   (jflory7,
  * * "Looking at our Join process"  (jflory7, 21:33:16)
  * AGREED: Ticket already discussed in meeting; jzb to update Join page
    soon  (jflory7, 21:33:34)
  * === Ticket #217 ===  (jflory7, 21:33:40)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/217   (jflory7,
  * * "Talking points: Fedora Cloud"  (jflory7, 21:33:51)
  * LINK: https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/commops-power-sessions
    (decause, 21:33:54)
  * marketing onboarding steps are listed at line number 163  (decause,
  * AGREED: Skipping, follow up on mailing list for this ticket
    (jflory7, 21:35:31)
  * ACTION: jflory7 Follow up with jzb on mailing list about Cloud
    talking points  (jflory7, 21:35:42)
  * === Ticket #220 ===  (jflory7, 21:36:02)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/220   (jflory7,
  * * "Talking points: Fedora Server"  (jflory7, 21:36:11)
  * ACTION: linuxmodder / decause  to work on talking points Fedora
    Server  (linuxmodder, 21:38:41)
  * AGREED: Taking owner for Server talking points being: (1) follow the
    thread decause posted to the list, (2) discuss with other WG members
    about new highlights for F24, (3) summarize and bullet-point-itize
    on the wiki page for F24 talking points  (jflory7, 21:41:13)
  * === Ticket #208 ===  (jflory7, 21:41:50)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/208   (jflory7,
  * * "emails not coming out of the magazine"  (jflory7, 21:42:00)
  * LINK:

    (jflory7, 21:42:04)
  * Ticket owned by puiterwijk. He is aware of it and has it on his task
    list for completion soon!  (jflory7, 21:42:53)
  * === Ticket #210 ===  (jflory7, 21:43:36)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/210   (jflory7,
  * * "Magazine Categories - Reorganization?"  (jflory7, 21:43:48)
  * ACTION: jflory7 Ask about Magazine categories and permissions to
    stickster and ryanlerch  (jflory7, 21:45:09)

* Open Floor  (jflory7, 21:45:21)

Meeting ended at 21:47:28 UTC.

Action Items
* jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new guidelines
  proposed on the mailing list
* jzb Finish drafting F24 Cloud Alpha talking points
* decause file a ticket on fedora-infra for FMN example messages
  time-out on email-list messages filter
* jflory7 Contact Python SIG mailing list about the idea of organizing
  another Python2 => Python3 Porting vFAD and getting some extra
  marketing collateral on it ahead of time
* jflory7 Do Not Forget:
* jflory7 Follow up on mailing list with fale
* jflory7 Follow up with jzb on mailing list about Cloud talking points
* linuxmodder / decause  to work on talking points Fedora Server
* jflory7 Ask about Magazine categories and permissions to stickster and

Action Items, by person
* decause
  * decause file a ticket on fedora-infra for FMN example messages
    time-out on email-list messages filter
  * linuxmodder / decause  to work on talking points Fedora Server
* fale
  * jflory7 Follow up on mailing list with fale
* jflory7
  * jflory7 Contact Python SIG mailing list about the idea of organizing
    another Python2 => Python3 Porting vFAD and getting some extra
    marketing collateral on it ahead of time
  * jflory7 Do Not Forget:
  * jflory7 Follow up on mailing list with fale
  * jflory7 Follow up with jzb on mailing list about Cloud talking
  * jflory7 Ask about Magazine categories and permissions to stickster
    and ryanlerch
* jzb
  * jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new guidelines
    proposed on the mailing list
  * jzb Finish drafting F24 Cloud Alpha talking points
  * jflory7 Follow up with jzb on mailing list about Cloud talking
* linuxmodder
  * linuxmodder / decause  to work on talking points Fedora Server
* ryanlerch
  * jflory7 Ask about Magazine categories and permissions to stickster
    and ryanlerch
* stickster
  * jflory7 Ask about Magazine categories and permissions to stickster
    and ryanlerch
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* jflory7 (165)
* decause (41)
* zodbot (15)
* bkp (15)
* linuxmodder (14)
* mizmo (7)
* puiterwijk (3)
* ryanlerch (0)
* jzb (0)
* stickster (0)
* fale (0)

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