[Marketing] Weekly Marketing Meeting Recap 2016-03-09

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Meeting ended Wed Mar  9 23:02:10 2016 UTC.
Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-03-09/marketing.2016-03-09-21.55.html Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-03-09/marketing.2016-03-09-21.55.txt Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-03-09/marketing.2016-03-09-21.55.log.html

* * * * *

#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Marketing meeting (2016-03-09)

Meeting started by jflory7 at 21:55:00 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* Roll Call  (jflory7, 21:55:22)
  * Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest areas  (jflory7,
  * Justin W. Flory; UTC-5; Marketing, Magazine, CommOps, Ambassadors,
    and more  (jflory7, 21:55:46)
  * Brian Proffitt; UTC-5; OSAS, social media  (bkp, 21:56:34)

* Announcements  (jflory7, 22:03:22)
  * === "Find Fedora at BrickHack 2016" ===  (jflory7, 22:03:26)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 22:03:32)
  * Fedora recently participated as an event sponsor at a hackathon
    event at the Rochester Institute of Technology. You can read a basic
    overview of the event there. An event report will be published soon
    (which will contain information important for Marketing to
    consider).  (jflory7, 22:03:37)
  * === "FOSDEM 2016: Event Report" ===  (jflory7, 22:03:42)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 22:03:47)
  * A brief event report by decause about FOSDEM 2016 and Fedora's
    participation in the Distro DevRoom.  (jflory7, 22:03:52)
  * === "Modularity Use Case: Application Independence"  (jflory7,
  * LINK:

    (jflory7, 22:04:02)
  * A look at the Modularization objective set by the Fedora Council.
    langdon writes about why modularization is important and how it
    helps Fedora.  (jflory7, 22:04:07)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Modularization   (jflory7,

* Action items from last meetings  (jflory7, 22:05:40)
  * LINK:

    (jflory7, 22:05:45)
  * [INCOMPLETE] === jflory7 Write the pointer article about GSoC on the
    Magazine once the CommBlog article is drafted ===  (jflory7,
  * HELP: Write an article about the Google Summer of Code announcement
    and Fedora's participation on the Community Blog  (jflory7,
  * [INCOMPLETE] === jflory7 / linuxmodder Bring up Marketing meeting
    times with FAmNA on Thursday evening meeting ===  (jflory7,
  * jflory7 was absent at the last FAmNA meeting and didn't have a
    chance to bring it up  (jflory7, 22:06:09)
  * ACTION: jflory7 Bring up Marketing meeting date and time with FAmNA
    on Thursday  (jflory7, 22:06:15)
  * [COMPLETE] === jflory7 Follow up with nirik or puiterwijk about
    updating the Magazine "head" and close the ticket once completed ===
    (jflory7, 22:06:21)
  * [COMPLETE] === nb will coordinate with decause about removing
    inactive people from Marketing FAS group ===  (jflory7, 22:06:27)
  * === jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new
    guidelines proposed on the mailing list ===  (jflory7, 22:06:32)
  * ACTION: jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new
    guidelines proposed on the mailing list  (jflory7, 22:08:06)
  * [COMPLETE] === jflory7 Update Ticket #218 with new information and
    owners ===  (jflory7, 22:08:11)
  * === decause ping serverWG ML for status update ===  (jflory7,
  * LINK:

    (jflory7, 22:08:21)
  * ACTION: decause Double-check if the query to the Server WG mailing
    list made it through the moderation queue  (jflory7, 22:09:34)
  * === decause work with fale to get server WG talking points from ML
    ===  (jflory7, 22:09:44)
  * [COMPLETE] === jflory7 Contact Fedora Infra about adding the prefix
    or file a ticket in Infra Trac if necessary ===  (jflory7, 22:12:00)
  * === fale will draft the procedure for the official recognition of
    entities using Fedora ===  (jflory7, 22:12:06)
  * === decause ping the EDU list with the wiki page fale is working on
    after it has been created ===  (jflory7, 22:12:15)

* Tickets  (jflory7, 22:12:21)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/report/12   (jflory7,
  * === Ticket #219 ===  (jflory7, 22:12:37)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/219   (jflory7,
  * * "Create Python talking points for Ambassadors"  (jflory7,
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Python_brochure
    (jflory7, 22:15:18)
  * ACTION: bkp Update the Python brochure in the wiki for 2016
    (jflory7, 22:21:14)
  * IDEA: Promote Google Summer of Code Python projects on the Community
    Blog, Magazine, and social media  (jflory7, 22:28:05)
  * IDEA: Get a conversation started on the list about using Python in
    containers and how Fedora is a great place to do this kind of work
    (bring in some Pythonistas to the conversation, like Nick Coghlan,
    Kushal Das, etc.)  (jflory7, 22:30:34)
  * IDEA: Talk to the Python SIG about organizing another Python2 =>
    Python3 vFAD to get some awesome work done and promote how Python3
    is a big thing in Fedora  (jflory7, 22:31:28)
  * === Ticket #222 ===  (jflory7, 22:32:01)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/222   (jflory7,
  * * "Publicizing "Fedora affiliates" (or groups using Fedora)"
    (jflory7, 22:32:12)
  * === Ticket #215 ===  (jflory7, 22:33:02)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/215   (jflory7,
  * * "Looking at our Join process"  (jflory7, 22:33:11)
  * === Ticket #217 ===  (jflory7, 22:33:45)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/217   (jflory7,
  * * "Talking points: Fedora Cloud"  (jflory7, 22:33:54)
  * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_talking_points
    (jflory7, 22:35:01)
  * ACTION: jzb Finish drafting F24 Cloud Alpha talking points (Due:
    2016-03-13)  (jflory7, 22:37:07)
  * === Ticket #220 ===  (jflory7, 22:37:20)
  * ACTION: decause follow-up with server list, link to f24 talking
    points  (decause, 22:37:24)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/220   (jflory7,
  * * "Talking points: Fedora Server"  (jflory7, 22:37:30)
  * HELP: Fedora Server talking points are incomplete, any extra
    assistance on gathering talking points is welcome. If you know more
    about F24 Server talking points, contact fale and decause.
    (jflory7, 22:38:55)
  * AGREED: decause and fale are going to check up on talking points,
    will check in again next week.  (jflory7, 22:40:47)
  * === Ticket #218 ===  (jflory7, 22:40:56)
  * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/218   (jflory7,
  * * "Talking points: Fedora Workstation"  (jflory7, 22:41:09)
  * LINK:

    (jflory7, 22:41:37)
  * linuxmoder to help fale | decause on talking points F24 server
    (linuxmodder, 22:41:52)
  * ACTION: linuxmoder to help fale | decause on talking points F24
    server  (linuxmodder, 22:42:03)
  * AGREED: F24 Workstation Alpha talking points completed!  (jflory7,

* Open Floor  (jflory7, 22:43:24)
  * LINK:

    (jflory7, 22:45:09)
  * LINK: http://blog.person.com/tag/fedora.rss versus
    http:/blog.person.com/rss  (decause, 22:56:12)
  * LINK:
    (jflory7, 22:57:26)
  * ACTION: decause research an example FMN rule for social-media
    mailing list notifications to help coordinate postings  (decause,
  * ACTION: decause talk with commops about writing a "ToolBox" post on
    social-media for commblog  (decause, 22:58:01)

Meeting ended at 23:02:10 UTC.

Action Items
* jflory7 Bring up Marketing meeting date and time with FAmNA on
* jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new guidelines
  proposed on the mailing list
* decause Double-check if the query to the Server WG mailing list made
  it through the moderation queue
* bkp Update the Python brochure in the wiki for 2016
* jzb Finish drafting F24 Cloud Alpha talking points (Due: 2016-03-13)
* decause follow-up with server list, link to f24 talking points
* linuxmoder to help fale | decause on talking points F24 server
* decause research an example FMN rule for social-media mailing list
  notifications to help coordinate postings
* decause talk with commops about writing a "ToolBox" post on
  social-media for commblog

Action Items, by person
* bkp
  * bkp Update the Python brochure in the wiki for 2016
* decause
  * decause Double-check if the query to the Server WG mailing list made
    it through the moderation queue
  * decause follow-up with server list, link to f24 talking points
  * linuxmoder to help fale | decause on talking points F24 server
  * decause research an example FMN rule for social-media mailing list
    notifications to help coordinate postings
  * decause talk with commops about writing a "ToolBox" post on
    social-media for commblog
* jflory7
  * jflory7 Bring up Marketing meeting date and time with FAmNA on
* jzb
  * jzb Update the Marketing Join page to incorporate the new guidelines
    proposed on the mailing list
  * jzb Finish drafting F24 Cloud Alpha talking points (Due: 2016-03-13)
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* jflory7 (205)
* jzb (52)
* bkp (35)
* linuxmodder (23)
* decause (23)
* zodbot (20)
* ardian (17)
* stickster (11)
* mailga (7)
* jonatoni (3)
* sesivany_ (2)
* jhogarth (1)

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