On 09/24/2014 02:39 AM, Matthew Miller wrote:
This bit from the planet gave me the idea that maybe an interview of Jan
would be nice, at least once the F21 launch period is done -- DNF is planned
to be the default for F22, so it'll be a big user-facing change and it'd be
great to hear about the project's direction.
[DNF: New DNF Project Leader][]
As I will be moving on to work on other things beyond Linux software
management soon, I decided to step down as a leader of the project.
The new leader of the project is [Jan Šilhan][], the change is effective
as of today. Jan is a talented, result-oriented software developer and I
am convinced he is just the right type for the job.
It has been exciting and fun three years and a big thanks to all of you
who contributed, consulted, supported or generally shared the ride.
URL: [http://dnf.baseurl.org/2014/09/18/new-dnf-project-leader/][DNF:
New DNF Project Leader]
[DNF: New DNF Project Leader]: http://dnf.baseurl.org/2014/09/18/new-dnf-project-leader/
[]: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7cdc2b2a9a0b1342a4225cd57cfb9b70?s=128&d=identicon&r=PG
[Jan Šilhan]: https://github.com/jsilhan/
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