Re: Muktware: Red Hat Clarifies Doubt Over UEFI Secure Boot Solution

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On 06/06/2012 10:56 AM, Álvaro Castillo wrote:
So you are pay a Microsoft company for can be used your system?
Actually If I'm not mistaken in the end Verisign is the company that's 
getting the extortion tax.
There is a lenghty thread about this on -devel which I've been 
wondering  how long it takes for people to realize that the only way to 
effectively preventing Secureboot from happening is to convince 
goverments to not sell that monopolized hardware ( convincing China and 
EU should suffice the states are probably a lost cause due to lobbyism 
that takes place there ).
Until that has been done what Matthew mentioned on his blog post are 
really the only option available to us and yes it sucks.

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