Re: Fedora and Video Sharing

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On Fri 9 April 2010 1:23:23 pm Nicholas Ozorak wrote:
> Dear Anyone with an interest in video distribution,
> My name is Nick Ozorak, and I am one of the students from Allegheny
> College who has just come in to help with the Fedora Project.  My
> particular field of expertise is in video creation and distribution,
> as I already have my own video-web series.  I'm one of five students
> who's looking into the issue of how videos about Fedora can be
> distributed online.

Hey Nick!

Thanks for taking this on, it's great to see all of you getting involved!
I enjoy doing videos when I have something to actually say, as rare as 
that is ;) i enjoy editing videos using kdenlive, regardless of whether I 
am in them or not, though. :)

> I saw in the archives that there was recently a discussion about
> Fedora and where videos showcasing the project should be hosted.
> Internet Archive was mentioned, as well as Dailymotion.  Based off of
> my experience, both of these websites are decent places to host video,
> but they don't receive as much traffic as the granddaddy of them all -
> YouTube.  As a consumer, when I am looking for videos regarding
> technological developments, YouTube is where I go first.
> I am aware that some people are uncomfortable with relying on YouTube
> and Flash, but there may be a solution to satisfy everyone.  One idea
> that I have come up with is:
> * Set up official Fedora Project accounts on websites like Internet
> Archive and Dailymotion.
> * Create videos on these accounts to establish them as being
> officially part of the Fedora Project (welcome videos, tutorials,
> features of Fedora, etc).
> * Designate people to be official Fedora Project Video Account Managers.
> * Allow other video creators and content developers to showcase their
> Fedora-related work on the official channel(s) by sending their video
> to the Account Master(s) for consideration.  If accepted, these videos
> would be added to the official channel.
> * Open a YouTube account, and ask people if they are comfortable with
> having their work(s) displayed on YouTube and/or other Flash-based
> websites.

All awesome ideas! YouTube is something that, whether we want to or not, 
simply cannot ignore :/

This isn't something that I brought up in the original discussion in IRC I 
had with Justin O'brien about using to host videos, but there is 
something to be said that could be used as a central distribution 
hub... here it is lazily spliced together by /me

By leveraging this we could take just a little bit of a load off of the 
account managers and lessen the mauled-by-raptors/hit-by-bus factor 
involved with having a single person manage shared accounts. The Freedom 
aspect is definitely something that we want to take thought of though, and 
I think that dual-hosting on and (and all the places 
it distributes to) is a Very Good Thing! Thanks for taking this one, Nick 
and everyone else involved!

> I'd be more than happy to discuss this idea in an IRC chat with those
> who are interested.  I would also be curious to find out what results
> previous discussions about this issue have yielded and get a sense of
> what people's opinions are.
> I will also add that I had never heard of Fedora before one of my
> professors started discussing it in class.  Once Mel Chua came to
> speak with our class and explain how this open-source community
> worked, I began to understand.  Having videos that explain the goals
> of the Fedora Project to those who have heard little to nothing about
> the project would be extremely beneficial with regards to outreach.

Yes, +1! Once we have this infrastructure laid out, these would be some 
awesome videos to help introduce people to Fedora. We may even need 
someone with previous experience in webcasting *hinthint* ;)

> Thanks for reading, and good luck with preparing for the big release!
> Nick


Ryan Rix
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