If you'd like to help, don't know how to package, but want to learn,
there are a bunch of us in the same or close-to-the-same situation
(me, Karsten, Matthew Daniels, Aaron Clark, etc...) trying to get a
Learn To Package! week together - join us on the Classroom
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom) mailing list if you're
interested, I'm going to start a thread there now.
Add me to this list as well, I am also a part of the "I want to learn to
be packager, somebody please help me" Group. A classroom for it would
just be great. I was hoping someone would have helped me when FOSS.in
took place, but well no one had the time.
Yeah, this seems to be a common thread...
Let's fix it. Join the Classroom thread on
and we'll get more packaging firepower for Marketing, Docs, and whoever
else wants to learn it.
Fedora-marketing-list mailing list