Re: Zikula Weekly Meeting

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2009/12/16 Mel Chua <mel@xxxxxxxxxx>
The following people need to be at the meeting:

David (ke4qqq)

Eric (Sparks)

Mel (mchua)
available except for Mon 15:00-16:00 UTC and Tue 20:00-21:00 UTC

Simon (itbegins)

Anyone else?

If those NEED people could send me their available times I'll put
together a time to meet.

Also, we could use some additional packagers.  If you would like to help
us out, please let me know that as well and I'll include your schedule
in my consideration.

If you'd like to help, don't know how to package, but want to learn, there are a bunch of us in the same or close-to-the-same situation (me, Karsten, Matthew Daniels, Aaron Clark, etc...) trying to get a Learn To Package! week together - join us on the Classroom (, mailing list if you're interested, I'm going to start a thread there now.

Add me to this list as well, I am also a part of the "I want to learn to be packager, somebody please help me" Group. A classroom for it would just be great. I was hoping someone would have helped me when took place, but well no one had the time.
It might not help us out tremendously *right now*, to be completely honest - but we *will* need to fine-tune, tweak, revise, and launch v.2.0 of all these sites at *some* point in the future, and capacity-building for that day is a Very Good Idea.

(If you *can* package and want to teach others how to package so we can tackle this stuff so you don't have to, please please please *please* let us know.)

And as Mel (simons, even ) knows i am pretty good with CSS, I am here to help with most CSS stuff. What most people dont know is that I am a content writer as well.  These are two things that I can help with.



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