Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) wrote:
Another point that had me scratching my head was the same host
indicating that Fedora had a lot of features that were in Ubuntu
8.10. This is certainly true, but the differentiator is that many of
these features were *built* by Fedora contributors, inside and outside
Red Hat. It's important for us to keep emphasizing this fact.
This is something that has be bugging me for a long time.
Basically, Ubuntu X gets out just a little before Fedora X.
Take the release notes for Ubuntu, they are mainly including « features
» that count in the Fedora X features.
Who gets the credit ? The first one to communicate about them...
That was one of the goals of the feature list. Not to be competitive but
communicate early on, the features we were working on and it has
resulted in a number of enthusiasts and the press, using it as their
primary source of changes in the upcoming releases.
We could do more, of course. Writing the release summary early on, can
be quite useful for example. We just need more contributors working on it.
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