Fedora Marketing Meeting 2008-10-02 IRC log

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12:00 < themayor> okay, let the meeting come to order
12:00 < quaid> btw
12:00 < themayor> we'll wait a couple minutes to let people file in, but please lets start the ROLL CALL
12:00 < quaid> we did get the other meeting slot in #fedora-meeting
12:00  * lcafiero plays the role of larry cafiero
12:00  * gregdek will be in and out, call me by name if you need me
12:00 < quaid> I presumptively put us on the meeting channel page for this time, too, to hold the slot
12:01 < themayor> quaid: awesome, yeah i knew you got it, but just wanted to make sure we dont lose anyone
12:01 < quaid> ok, then _next_week_ we'll start telling people before the meeting to head to that channel instead of stay here?
12:01 < themayor> yeah absolutely
12:01 < themayor> in the announce i said this should be the last week in here
12:01 < kushal> so Roll Call ?
12:02 < mizmo> yo
12:02 < themayor> yeah roll call
12:02  * quaid is still Karsten
12:02 < kushal> Kushal Das
12:02 < ria> Ria Das
12:02  * lcafiero still larry cafiero
12:04  * ke4qqq is here
12:04 < kushal> please continue
12:05 < kushal> why we stopped ?
12:05 < themayor> we are waiting for role call
12:05 < fugolini> FrancescoUgolini
12:06  * fugolini will be afk for 5mins
12:06 < kushal> themayor, start the class :p
12:06 < themayor> okay awesome
12:06 < themayor> lets go
12:06 < themayor> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Tasks
12:06 < themayor> pull that up
12:07 -!- Subhodip [n=subhodip@fedora/subhodip] has quit ["Laters .."]
12:07 < themayor> we are continuing discussion of our long term goals
12:08 < themayor> basically as a summary
12:08 < themayor> last meeting
12:08  * fugolini brb
12:09 < themayor> we all agreed that we need to marketing featuring better
12:09 < themayor> and we need more management of press leading up to and at release time
12:10 < themayor> so based on that, quaid updated the task list
12:10 < themayor> is stickster around?
12:10 < themayor> maybe he can update us on press efforts for the forthcoming release
12:11 < ke4qqq> stickster: is in hospital visiting his mother iirc
12:11 < themayor> ah yeah
12:11 < themayor> sorry
12:12 < themayor> i forgot i read that befoe
12:12 < quaid> Caroline is back as our @redhat.com PR liaison
12:12 < quaid> paul has written to some lists about the major features they are focusing on in press work
12:12 < themayor> yup and yup
12:12 < themayor> caroline is back from leave
12:13 < quaid> btw, I recommended we add "XFS available during installation" to that list (although it's been in since F9?); purely as a marketing move and response to the years of complaints :)
12:13 < themayor> we've had that for much longer than f9 actually
12:13 < quaid> ah, guess I did miss that :)
12:13  * quaid pipes down
12:14 < ke4qqq> really?? I don't recall it in f8
12:14 < ke4qqq> but perhaps I missed it
12:14 < themayor> anyway
12:14 < themayor> yes, we should put that in there
12:14 < fugolini> ?
12:16 < themayor> okay anyway, if paul isnt here, lets table the press stuff for next week
12:16 < themayor> next week we need to have a serious discussion of that
12:16 < fugolini> May I ask you a thing
12:16 < fugolini> ?
12:16 < themayor> yes
12:16 < themayor> go ahead
12:16 < fugolini> You talked about press release, but you are referring to en_US press release
12:16 < fugolini> ?
12:16 < fugolini> *are you
12:16 < quaid> sort-of
12:17 < fugolini> ah, ok
12:17 < quaid> we already have a process for release announcements to be fully localized
12:17 < themayor> for the most part, yes
12:17 < themayor> but we have a process for translation of release announcements and whatever
12:17 < quaid> do we want to consider the formal press release be l10nized?
12:17 -!- No5251 [n=No5251@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
12:18 < themayor> if we think we can handle it without significant trouble, why not
12:18 < themayor> ?
12:18 -!- DemonJester [n=DemonJes@fedora/DemonJester] has joined #fedora-mktg
12:18 < fugolini> I was just wondering about the possibility to have a way to push press release around the world, maybe using rh officies
12:18 < fugolini> *offices
12:18 < quaid> I'll talk with Paul about it
12:18 < quaid> the concern, historically, has been
12:19 < quaid> not wanting to show the formal press release in advance, if it gets out it ruins the expectation/relationship with traditional journalists.
12:19 < fugolini> right
12:19 < quaid> anyway, I'll ask Paul if we want to try this time
12:21 < themayor> okay so lets add that as a note to the current task on the list
12:21 < themayor> and lets move on
12:22 < themayor> quaid: update on release announcements
12:22 < quaid> themayor: are you editing the task list as you go?
12:22 < themayor> anything you want to tell us?
12:22 < themayor> quaid: not currently, no,
12:22 < themayor> is there a lock on the page?
12:22 < quaid> The Beta announcement went out fine
12:23 < quaid> it's time to refine the talking points so we can have locale-specific ones based on the talking points.
12:23  * quaid runs some edits on that task list then
12:25 < quaid> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/Announcements/TalkingPoints
12:25 < quaid> so let's get on it!
12:25 < quaid> <eoreport>
12:25 < themayor> i agree, localized talking points would be awesome
12:25 < fugolini> +1
12:26 < quaid> we keep waiting until too late in the cycle
12:26  * fugolini hopes he could join the discussion (is a open one?)
12:26 < quaid> partially because it was just me pushing it :)
12:26 < quaid> fugolini: of course!
12:26 < fugolini> thnaks
12:26 < quaid> let's in fact start a thread on the list
12:26 < quaid> (marketing-list)
12:29 < themayor> okay
12:29 < themayor> is that moved to the list then?
12:29 < themayor> lets keep things moving if so
12:31 < themayor> ke4qqq: whats up?
12:31 < themayor> did you ever finalize that presentation?
12:31 -!- tw-work is now known as tw2113
12:31 < ke4qqq> yeah mizmo is making it purty last I heard
12:31 < mizmo> ke4qqq, i havent had a chance to yet, its on my todo list
12:32 < themayor> awesome
12:32 < themayor> we will check again next week i guess
12:32 < themayor> speaking of next week
12:32 < themayor> i wont be around next thursday
12:32 < themayor> so someone else will need to lead the meeting
12:32 < themayor> i guess i will follow up on the list to see who that will ne
12:32 < themayor> its yom kippur next thursday
12:33 < themayor> anyway
12:33 < tw2113> ooh meeting
12:34 < tw2113> MichaelBeckwith
12:34 < themayor> mizmo: max said we have money for the printing
12:34 < themayor> did anyone follow up on any of that?
12:34 < themayor> he should be in the US tomorrow
12:34 < mizmo> themayor, yeh i got max's okay and know how many to order, there is some work i have to do to the source files for the printer to work with them
12:34 < mizmo> its on my plate
12:35 < themayor> okay great
12:35 < themayor> awesome
12:35 < themayor> mizmo: any update on the four foundations stuff?
12:36 < mizmo> themayor, nope, ive been bogged down with f10 art work
12:36 < themayor> fair enough
12:36 < themayor> i guess thats a priority
12:36 < themayor> hows that coming?
12:38 -!- mthompson [n=Michelle@nat/redhat/x-c63ff830e9c6b83b] has joined #fedora-mktg
12:39 < themayor> mizmo: ?
12:39 < themayor> i guess she is busy
12:39 < themayor> stepped afk
12:39 < mizmo> themayor, same as last week
12:39 < mizmo> the icons that is
12:39 < mizmo> the f10 artwork, pretty good :)
12:40 < themayor> awesome
12:40 < themayor> keep up all the great work
12:40 < themayor> props to you and the art team
12:40 < mizmo> :)
12:40 < quaid> MAD props
12:41 < spoleeba> quaid, i was going to buy them some mad libs...but props are better
12:43 < themayor> hahaha
12:43 < themayor> kushal: any updates on the FedoraTV stuff?
12:43 < kushal> yes
12:43 < kushal> First of all , I need feed back on "Linux Ahead" news
12:44 < kushal> don't know who saw it ?
12:44 < kushal>  me and mether are going to do this weekly
12:45 < spoleeba> kushal, let me watch it today and i'll give you feedback...where would you like.. private email?
12:45 < kushal> anyone ?
12:45 < kushal> spoleeba, ok
12:46 < spoleeba> kushal, the fact that you are attempting to do it...is already super great
12:46 < fugolini> yeah
12:46 < themayor> its awesome
12:46 < themayor> i did watch it
12:46 < kushal> ke4qqq, I also started having audio files
12:46 < themayor> theres lots of goofs,  but its a start of something ive wanted done for a looooong time
12:46 < spoleeba> kushal, what sort of stuff are you looking for?  like feedback on your hairstyle and clothing...or something more structural feedback?
12:46 < kushal> spoleeba, lol
12:47 < kushal> spoleeba, structural
12:47 < kushal> actually I sat in wrong chair
12:47 < kushal> and I was missing the board where I wrote all the news
12:47 < kushal> :(
12:47 < spoleeba> kushal, i have to watch it....but i always thing of this sort of thing in terms of...segments..can we easily take bites out of it and reuse them
12:47 < kushal> so I was looking right many times, to see what is next
12:47 < kushal> spoleeba, ok
12:48 < spoleeba> kushal, production quality...is a matter of practise
12:48 < kushal> one more thing
12:48 < kushal> Should I put "meet the contributors" videos on fedora tv ?
12:48 < spoleeba> kushal, ive seen some really craptastic pilot sitcome episodes..that got better in the 2nd episode
12:48 < spoleeba> kushal, i dont see why not
12:48 < kushal> spoleeba, :)
12:49 < spoleeba> kushal, hell... the original pilot for Happy Days had a brother for Richie Cunningham...totally gone in the second episode
12:49 < themayor> hahaha
12:49 < themayor> anyway
12:50 < themayor> kushal: yes about the meet the contrubitor videos
12:50 < kushal> ok, cool
12:50 < kushal> btw,  I started getting good hits than previous month from miro
12:50 < quaid> spoleeba: I thought the brother was always "off at College"; I remember him playing bball and stuff; but he was gone within a season or two
12:51 < spoleeba> quaid, shrug
12:51 < themayor> lol
12:51 < spoleeba> quaid, im sure by next season kushal will have this ironed out
12:51 < kushal> any other feedback on the screencasts ?
12:51 < kushal> spoleeba, hehe
12:51  * lcafiero has to go to day job and begs the chair's pardon
12:51 -!- lcafiero [n=larry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit ["Leaving"]
12:51 < themayor> alright with the remaining 9 minutes anyone want to add anything else or bring anything else to the table?
12:52 < spoleeba> themayor, election-eering?
12:52 < kushal> <eof>
12:52 < quaid> spoleeba: what do you have in mind about it?  seems lively on list :)
12:53 < themayor> yeah its a hot topic
12:53 < spoleeba> quaid, again..big concern is timetable..we do have to astroturf a little bit to get people...engaged
12:53 -!- Prakhar is now known as AcidBURN
12:54 < fugolini> spoleeba: I think IRC debate could still work
12:54 < fugolini> maybe Candidates videos
12:54 < fugolini> would require more time,
12:55 -!- AcidBURN is now known as Prakhar
12:55 < themayor> do we have time for candidate videos?
12:55 < themayor> fugolini: yeah
12:55 < spoleeba> quaid, my biggest concern is...when is the damn election actually going to be..so we know when to start juicing the constituency with made up political scandals
12:55 < ke4qqq> -1 for candidate videos - it would take a ton of time to watch anything substantive from every candidate in every election people are eligible to vote in - but I could read the log of a debate rather quickly
12:55 < spoleeba> themayor, individual candidates can do it right now...you just need a working camera and cheese
12:56 < spoleeba> themayor, we cant mandate everyone do them
12:56 < fugolini> From ambassadors perspective it has to be between December 1st and December 20th (the election days)
12:56 -!- moixs [n=chatzill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-mktg
12:56 < themayor> spoleeba: well we need to plant that seed in their head
12:56 < spoleeba> themayor, right..timetable
12:56 < spoleeba> themayor, everything basically needs to happen about a month before
12:57 < spoleeba> themayor, so we have a couple of weeks of candicate action..and a little q/a..then 2 weeks out we can repackage that interaction to feed into a debate
12:57 < spoleeba> themayor, err i should say..set the stage and build interest for a debate
12:57 < spoleeba> themayor, 1 week out from the vote or so
12:59 < themayor> yeah
12:59 < themayor> but like was stated, i dont think we can make it man datory
12:59 < themayor> mandatory even
12:59 < fugolini> logically
12:59 < themayor> surely a video will be a big boost to any candidate that chooses to do so
13:00 < spoleeba> themayor, oh i think a video would have hurt me :->
13:00 < fugolini> themayor: but there are people who don't own a camera
13:00 < fugolini> or have bad skills in post processing
13:00 < themayor> well some things are beyond our control
13:00 < fugolini> eof
13:00 < themayor> anyway
13:00 < themayor> we are just about over an hour
13:00 < themayor> anyone want to add anything else
13:01 < themayor> otherwise, ill say lets move everything over to the list till next week
13:01 < fugolini> themayor: who will take the duty to follow IRC candidate talk ?
13:01 < fugolini> spoleeba: ?
13:01 < spoleeba> fugolini, follow?
13:01 < themayor> and we really need to sit down and have a proper long term strategy sessions maybe next week, when more people with more ideas are around
13:02 < spoleeba> themayor, who said i was around next week?
13:02 -!- ianweller_afk is now known as ianweller
13:02 < spoleeba> themayor, im flying to NC weds
13:02 < fugolini> spoleeba: I was just asking who will take care of this task
13:02 < fugolini> IRC debates
13:02 < fugolini> or each project organize it on its own?
13:02 < spoleeba> fugolini, i believe spevack was already volunteered on the list
13:02 < themayor> spoleeba: well, lets follow up with a good hearty discussion on the list and i guess i will PM sometime between now and next week
13:03 < fugolini> ah ok
13:03 < spoleeba> fugolini, to moderate
13:03 < fugolini> that's great
13:04 < themayor> alright, i need to move on to other work, so im gonna call it a meeting unless anyone objects?
13:04 < themayor> or i can go and you guys can feel free to chatter bug about
13:05 < themayor> got a phone conf in 11 mins
13:05 < themayor> alright, thats a wrap then
13:05 < themayor> see you guys on the list
13:06 < fugolini> thank you themayor
13:06 < themayor> thank you guys for all the awesome work

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