Paul W. Frields wrote:
On Mon, 2006-07-10 at 00:44 +0200, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
Le lundi 10 juillet 2006 à 04:00 +0530, Rahul a écrit :
I was about to start my own blog series
( or 108
community "Ask Rahul" and get all the glory but I will sacrifice that
now for the greater cause.
Ask Rahul has a nice personal touch. Much better than Ask Fedora! The
sacrifice is not the way you write it
I don't know, I kind of like "Ask Fedora," especially since I have some
of the recent T-shirts that read, "I am Fedora." If Fedora is the
community, and the community members answer, that's pretty fitting to
me. (Better fitting than the T-shirt, even.)
Ok. I added myself to the solvers list.
Note that the Red Hat magazine column says Ask Shadowman instead of Ask
Red Hat. If we call it "Ask Fedora", we are assuming that much more
responsibility. I think thats a good thing. Another way to go about
doing this, is to give a name for the Fedora logo and name the column
after that.
How are we going to be receiving answers? I would prefer that the
questions be send to a list. Would this list suffice or do we a
fedora-news-group list where we can have the editorial group, solvers
group and whoever working with fedora news site to be subscribed to it.
That has the effect of endorsing better too
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