I may be a total inexperienced user and complete amateur when it comes
to graphics design and color theory, but unless I'm terribly wrong,
that's why the Pantone® color numbers are used, isn't it?,
Without going into a long discussion on color reproduction, there are
some bad things about specifying a color via the PMS system. Simply
put, PMS was designed to use the Pantone inks only, so if you use any
other color space ( let's say some obscure ones like RGB or CMYK ), you
won't get what you specified. ( I'm surprised several people jumped up
and down about the free font issue, but no one mentions using a
proprietary, single vendor color system ;) Anyway, the big difficulty
is getting various output devices to reliably match a PMS color. Most
companies that print stuff work very hard to get that right behind the
scenes, it doesn't always come easy.
That said, PMS is considered a standard in the graphics/print industry,
so using PMS to specify the colors is not really a wrong move. But it
isn't a silver bullet that solves all color reproduction issues.
I am using
Inkscape, as I'm doing all in Linux with free software... One thing
though... As you say, CMYK values are rather odd, however the
hexadecimal values and the RGBA values DO correspond to those in the
The values reported by my version of Inkscape ( 0.43-3.fc5, PPC )
for PMS 2935
Hex : 0A57A4
RGB : R10, G87, B164
CMYK : C94, M47, Y0, K36
for PMS 541
Hex : 072B61
RGB : R6, G43, B97
CMYK : C93, M56, Y6, K62
I'd be interested if yours were different from these.
Those hex values above are what is in the SVG, but they don't match the
usage guide hex values.
I would assume there is a problem with CMYK support in Inkscape,
which might be worth to report to the mailing list.
I mentioned this previously, the SVG spec doesn't support CMYK[1] or
PMS, so Inkscape makes some guesses to convert to those color spaces.
There is a way to save an SVG as an Inkscape-only SVG that maintains
those values, but those values won't get used by another program that
opens the file. Similar to the issue where Illustrator is able to get
the colors right if it opens the SVG, but Inkscape can't.
I have had some
trouble manipulating the files in Inkscape (only tried with the
symbol, though), but I had to resort to the XML editor to be able to
select the different four elements of the drawing, when trying to
with the mouse, only a grouped selection is possible..
There are two selection tools in Inkscape, you might have been using
the one that doesn't let you select objects within a group. I didn't
have a problem.
I suppose this
is what the original designer intended, and (compared to a "pure" SVG
made with Inkscape),
Yes, mere mortals should really not be poking around within these
files, as per the guidelines they shouldn't be modified. I opened them
because I wanted to verify how the files would open and work in several
different graphics programs.
the file has two additional images (one in jpeg
I believe that is a thumbnail used to preview files in the Adobe "Open
File" dialog box. It's not useful for much else.
and one in PGF [for whatever that is]) which I have been unable
to export
Those are binary structures ( CDATA ) that are used instead of ( or in
addition to ) the SVG when the file is re-opened in Illustrator.
If you use a text editor to cut out those entries, InkScape is still
" All SVG colors are specified in the sRGB color space "
ICC color profiles can be used to specify other color spaces.
Charles Dostale
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