Thanks, Matt. These modifications are what we're going with. We're in a position now where it's time to get on with things. We'll be seeing new logos on and as soon as is practicable -- hopefully within the week. Some people will love this logo, and some people will hate this logo. That's simply the way things work. I certainly hope that more people love it than hate it, but really, it's just a symbol. What matters is how people will feel when they see that symbol. While the right image can help set the tone, that feeling has *much* more to do with how we serve the people who use Fedora, and contribute to Fedora. I'd like to say that we did this "the right way." I think we did, but where there are so many opinions, one never has the luxury of being completely sure. So I'd like to ask some questions of you all, now that we're basically at the end of this particular project: * Should we have gone through more iterations, or would more iterations have dragged things out even longer? * Should we have exposed the logo to more people for comment, or should we have restricted comment to this list -- which is composed of people who clearly take a more active interest in the well-being of Fedora? --g _____________________ ____________________________________________ Greg DeKoenigsberg ] [ the future masters of technology will have Community Relations ] [ to be lighthearted and intelligent. the Red Hat ] [ machine easily masters the grim and the ] [ dumb. --mcluhan On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, Matt Munoz wrote: > Here's the direct link: > > > It's also at the end of the presentation under "modifications": > > > We've revised the color and shapes so the "f" stands out more. > > Best, > matt > > ��� > Matthew Mu�oz | Capstrat | 919-882-1975 > > > > -- > Fedora-marketing-list mailing list > Fedora-marketing-list@xxxxxxxxxx > > -- Fedora-marketing-list mailing list Fedora-marketing-list@xxxxxxxxxx