Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Are we still planning on doing a CD spin or just a DVD spin? IMO, a CD
spin doesn't make much sense considering the size of the games but if
anyone feels strongly that it would be useful, I could create a
kickstart file for that.
Nah lets focus on the dvd, that will be enough work to get finished before launch
In a previous discussion in #fedora-games, someone suggested that a
games spin might disappoint folks since we don't provide proprietary
drivers. One of the ideas that I came up to tackle this is a driver
buddy. It won't install any drivers nor will it contain pointers but act
more like a nudge for users to get cards that has open 3D drivers. So if
you have a Nvidia card for example, you will get a message explaining
the non-availability of open drives and link to cards that has one.
I've been thinking about this, and I'm planning in writing a small bash script
which uses zenity which can be used as wrapper around 3d games, this script
will then first check for dri, and if that isn't available pop up a note (using
zenity) saying that 3D hardware accel is needed (with explanation about no open
source drivers, etc.) and then exit.
Fedora bookmarks has been separated from the browser in the last
release. Do we want to have games specific bookmarks by default? Someone
would have to create a package if this is desirable.
Maybe for Fedora 9, for now I would like to juist do the 3d wrapper, if there
are others who want to do this thats ok.
Do we want a special theme for the games spin? We could request the art
team to be creative and come up with a distinctive background, look and
Again maybe Fedora 9.
Finally, is there any major good games that are possible to package or
waiting on review that we need to have before we release this spin?
I would say that we would want to have the second live client, that would need
someone to push the submitter of it, he is working on it but mostely doing
upstream work. Alternatively we could suggest comaintaining to him and then one
of us could get the packages through review, while he concentrates on improving
it upstream.
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