Hello all,
New report.
A big "Holy Crap!" to Jason Tibbitts for hitting 200 reviews! Well done.
Keep up all the hard work everyone!
FE Package Status of Jul 20, 2006
The full report can be found here:
Owners file stats:
- 2000 packages
- 38 orphans
- 32 packages not available in extras devel or release
Fedora at FamilleCollet dot com php-pecl-zip
Fedora at FamilleCollet dot com php-pear-HTTP
cgoorah at yahoo dot com dot au kadischi
davidhart at tqmcube dot com leafnode
fredrik at dolda2000 dot com icmpdn
ghenry at suretecsystems dot com gnome-applet-netmon
green at redhat dot com mxml
ivazquez at ivazquez dot net gpredict
j dot w dot r dot degoede at hhs dot nl gkrellm-wifi
jpo at di dot uminho dot pt perl-Test-Builder-Tester
jvdias at redhat dot com webmin
lmacken at redhat dot com python-paste
lmacken at redhat dot com python-configobj
matthias at rpmforge dot net fillets-ng-data-cs
matthias at rpmforge dot net php-mmcache
nicolas dot mailhot at laposte dot net zoo
nomis80 at nomis80 dot org juk
notting at redhat dot com aqhbci-qt-tools
notting at redhat dot com comps
oliver at linux-kernel dot at squidGuard
rcritten at redhat dot com mod_nss
seg at haxxed dot com rosegarden4
tcallawa at redhat dot com R-RScaLAPACK
tcallawa at redhat dot com libgdamm
tcallawa at redhat dot com R-hdf5
tcallawa at redhat dot com opendap
toniw at iki dot fi silky
toniw at iki dot fi libmatchbox
toshio at tiki-lounge dot com hula
wart at kobold dot org eris
wolters dot liste at gmx dot net ktorrent
wtogami at redhat dot com iiimf-le-simplehangul
- 5 packages not available in extras devel but present in release
andreas at bawue dot net echoping
andreas at bawue dot net mboxgrep
dakingun at gmail dot com baobab
ivazquez at ivazquez dot net gnome-applet-rhythmbox
noa at resare dot com vorbisgain
- 2 packages which have not yet been FE-APPROVE'd...
ktorrent wolters.liste at gmx.net
Maelstrom notting at redhat.com
- 1 packages present in the development repo which have no owners entry
- 2 orphaned packages, yet available in extras devel
gtkglarea2 soundtracker
- 43 packages that moved to core
Packages appearing both in Core and Extras:
- 5 packages duplicated for devel:
jpo at di dot uminho dot pt perl-Net-SSLeay
jpo at di dot uminho dot pt perl-IO-Socket-SSL
jpo at di dot uminho dot pt perl-Socket6
petersen at redhat dot com scim-bridge
tagoh at redhat dot com paps
FE-ACCEPT packages stats:
- 1056 accepted, closed package reviews
- 7 accepted, closed package reviews not in repo
- 2 accepted, closed package reviews not in owners
- 10 accepted, open package reviews older than 4 weeks;
- 8 accepted, open package reviews with a package already in the repo
FE-REVIEW packages stats:
- 103 open tickets
- 23 tickets with no activity in eight weeks
- 22 tickets with no activity in four weeks
- 2 closed tickets
FE-NEW packages stats:
- 196 open tickets
- 31 tickets with no activity in eight weeks
- 39 tickets with no activity in four weeks
FE-NEEDSPONSOR packages stats:
- 40 open tickets
- 7 tickets with no activity in eight weeks
- 5 tickets with no activity in four weeks
FE-LEGAL packages stats:
- 2 open tickets
OPEN-BUGS packages stats:
- 246 open tickets
- 148 tickets with no activity in eight weeks
- 19 tickets with no activity in four weeks
CVS stats:
- 2007 packages with a devel directory
- 26 packages with no owners entry
gpasman grandr_applet gsview initng k3b-ape kernel-module-thinkpad
libexif muse nethack-falconseye perl-Convert-ASN1 perl-DateManip
perl-GD-SVG perl-Graph perl-Heap perl-Maypole perl-RPM-Specfile
perl-SVK perl-Text-Shellwords perl-XML-LibXML-Common
perl-XML-NamespaceSupport perl-XML-SAX perl-XML-Writer perl-bioperl
php-apc python-ldap
- 4 packages in CVS devel *and* Core
gkrellm libevent pam_pkcs11 paps
- 87 packages were dropped from extras
Maintainers stats:
- 210 maintainers
- 20 inactive maintainers with open bugs
- 25 inactive maintainers
Dropped FC packages:
- 268 packages were dropped from core since FC 1
fedora-extras-list mailing list