FE package status Tue Feb 7 2006

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Hi folks,

Here is the weekly report of FE package status.  I tried to take into account 
all the comments I received.  Please don't hesitate to send further ones... :-)

There are 5 parts in the listing, starting with the wiki-style ===:
 - About owners file
 - About FE-ACCEPT packages
 - About FE-REVIEW packages
 - About FE-NEW packages
 - About FE-NEEDSPONSOR packages

I added a few entries in the discarded list.  Script and all will be updated 
on the Extras/UsefulScripts page shortly.


=== About owners file ===

We have 1419 extras packages in owners file.
There are 60 orphans.

Top 10 package owners:
tcallawa at redhat dot com                        : 88
ville dot skytta at iki dot fi                    : 82
jpo at di dot uminho dot pt                       : 80
matthias at rpmforge dot net                      : 70
andreas dot bierfert at lowlatency dot de         : 56
rc040203 at freenet dot de                        : 50
ivazquez at ivazquez dot net                      : 44
rdieter at math dot unl dot edu                   : 41
gauret at free dot fr                             : 40
steve at silug dot org                            : 37

We have 58 packages not available in extras devel or release:
GiNaC                                    qspencer
R-hdf5                                   tcallawa
alsa-firmware                            fedora
apmud                                    dwmw2
cacti                                    imlinux
cdiff                                    ville.skytta
commoncpp2                               andreas
compat-wxPythonGTK2                      tcallawa
comps                                    notting
configure-thinkpad                       jcarpenter
cpanspec                                 steve
cryptplug                                dennis
dd_rescue                                andreas
drscheme                                 gemi
fillets-ng-data-cs                       matthias
freenx                                   zipsonic
gcdmaster                                denis
gnome-applet-netmon                      ghenry
gnome-cpufreq-applet                     adrian
gnome-theme-clearlooks                   ivazquez
gpredict                                 ivazquez
initng                                   daner964
inti                                     gemi
juk                                      nomis80
k3b-ape                                  mihai
libgcrypt1                               bugs.michael
libgsf113                                j.w.r.degoede
libmatchbox                              toniw
libsafe                                  sgrubb
lirc-kmod                                ville.skytta
lirc-kmod-common                         ville.skytta
nabi                                     djoo
newpg                                    ville.skytta
nx                                       zipsonic
openbox                                  kaboom
opendap                                  tcallawa
openoffice-extras                        wtogami
pam_pkcs11                               tcallawa
perl-GD-SVG                              thm
perl-Graph                               thm
perl-Heap                                thm
perl-Math-GMP                            paul
perl-SOAP-Lite                           thm
perl-SVG                                 thm
perl-Text-Shellwords                     thm
perl-XML-Writer                          thm
perl-bioperl                             thm
php-pear-DB                              rpm
php-pecl-sqlite                          matthias
qemu                                     dwmw2
rsnapshot                                ghenry
sblim-cmpi-base                          hamzy
squidGuard                               oliver
stripesnoop                              tcallawa
swish-e                                  bkyoung
thinkpad-kmod                            jcarpenter
thinkpad-kmod-common                     jcarpenter
tpctl                                    jcarpenter

We have 16 packages not available in extras devel but present in release:
R-RScaLAPACK                             tcallawa
aqhbci-qt-tools                          notting
cdo                                      ed
ebtables                                 tcallawa
gcl                                      gemi
iiimf-le-simplehangul                    wtogami
kiosktool                                rdieter
kxdocker                                 rdieter
kxdocker-resources                       rdieter
lout                                     tcallawa
osiv                                     ed
scrub                                    tcallawa
superkaramba                             rdieter
wmweather+                               andreas.bierfert
wp_tray                                  ivazquez
yakuake                                  dreadyman

We have 53 orphaned packages available in extras devel:
abe anjuta apg apt arc at-poke camstream cgoban cksfv conglomerate duplicity
freedroidrpg gdeskcal gkrellm-themes gnofract4d gnome-password-generator
gnome-telnet gnome-themes-extras gnugo gonvert gpa gtkglarea2 gurlchecker
hping2 libzvt lincvs lua manedit mknbi netdiag nget ots p0f parchive
perl-Net-SCP perl-Net-SSH perl-Parse-Yapp prozilla putty rpmproc screem sirius
synaptic tdl tetex-arabtex tetex-armtex tetex-font-tipa tetex-lgrind tla
wbxml2 wesnoth xmms-cdread xtide

We have 28 packages that moved to core:
anthy firefox gmime kasumi libchewing libevent m17n-db m17n-lib
nautilus-sendto perl-Archive-Zip perl-IO-String perl-IO-Zlib perl-Net-IP
perl-String-CRC32 perl-XML-Simple python-elementtree python-sqlite scim
scim-anthy scim-chewing scim-hangul scim-m17n scim-pinyin scim-qtimm
scim-tables sqlite thunderbird tog-pegasus

=== About FE-ACCEPT packages ===

We have 9 accepted, closed packages where I'm unable to find the package in the development repo:
  wmweather+                               andreas.bierfert
  z88dk                                    paul
  yakuake                                  dreadyman
  kiosktool                                rdieter
  superkaramba                             rdieter
  kxdocker                                 rdieter
  kxdocker-resources                       rdieter
  OSIV                                     ed
  libgsf113                                j.w.r.degoede

We have 7 accepted, closed packages where I'm unable to find the package in the owners file:
  Glide3-libGL                             j.w.r.degoede
  gpp                                      Matt_Domsch
  z88dk                                    paul
  html-xml-utils                           ghenry
  libspectrum                              paul
  perl-Text-Unidecode                      pertusus
  commoncpp                                andreas

We have 488 accepted, closed package reviews

Top 10 BZ review requests submitters:
tcallawa at redhat dot com                        : 43
rc040203 at freenet dot de                        : 41
andreas dot bierfert at lowlatency dot de         : 31
fedora dot wickert at arcor dot de                : 28
jpo at di dot uminho dot pt                       : 24
steve at silug dot org                            : 18
rdieter at math dot unl dot edu                   : 18
pertusus at free dot fr                           : 15
orion at cora dot nwra dot com                    : 14
paul at city-fan dot org                          : 13

Top 10 BZ review requests reviewers:
paul at city-fan dot org                          : 68
gauret at free dot fr                             : 64
gdk at redhat dot com                             : 34
jpmahowald at gmail dot com                       : 30
tcallawa at redhat dot com                        : 27
rc040203 at freenet dot de                        : 22
ed at eh3 dot com                                 : 20
jpo at di dot uminho dot pt                       : 20
adrian at lisas dot de                            : 19
ville dot skytta at iki dot fi                    : 14

We have 11 accepted, open package reviews where the package appears to already be in the repo...
  rekall                                   tcallawa
  perl-Apache-LogRegex                     ghenry
  perl-Gnome2-Canvas                       ghenry
  perl-Gtk2-GladeXML                       ghenry
  perl-Imager                              ghenry
  python-nltk                              michel.salim
  python-json                              ivazquez
  ushare                                   eric.tanguy
  perl-version                             tcallawa
  perl-Compress-Bzip2                      jpo
  numpy                                    ivazquez

We have 14 accepted, open package reviews older than 4 weeks
  YAML-Parser-Syck                         oliver
  pam_pkcs11                               tcallawa
  msmtp                                    taylor
  rekall                                   tcallawa
  perl-Apache-LogRegex                     ghenry
  perl-Gnome2-Canvas                       ghenry
  perl-Gtk2-GladeXML                       ghenry
  perl-Imager                              ghenry
  Sprog                                    ghenry
  python-nltk                              michel.salim
  opencv                                   nomis80
  driftnet                                 bnocera
  perl-HTML-FillInForm                     bkyoung
  perl-Compress-Bzip2                      jpo

=== About FE-REVIEW packages ===

We have 54 open tickets in FE-REVIEW

We have 2 closed tickets still blocking FE-REVIEW
  srtp                                     jeff
  smb4k                                    mgarski

We have 9 FE-REVIEW tickets with no activity in eight weeks
  SquidGuard                               oliver
  alleyoop                                 tcallawa
  taskjuggler                              petersen
  findlib                                  descender
  cpptasks                                 green
  hugs98                                   gemi
  xnee                                     jpmahowald
  cssed                                    fedora
  gruler                                   mclasen

We have 11 FE-REVIEW tickets with no activity in four weeks
  Eclipse                                  aluchko
  kadu                                     gogers
  Aeryn                                    paul
  multisync                                andreas.bierfert
  mosml                                    gemi
  ecl                                      gemi
  ser                                      lemenkov
  Denial                                   icon
  libopensync-plugin-kdepim                andreas.bierfert
  gideon                                   denisleroy
  gift-gnutella                            rdieter

=== About FE-NEW packages ===

We have 131 open tickets in FE-NEW

We have 7 closed tickets still blocking FE-NEW
  PyCairo                                  jacob.kroon
  python-nltk-data                         michel.salim
  spicctrl                                 roozbeh
  libXvMCW                                 dominik
  Jakarta                                  green
  ikvm                                     paul
  ser                                      andreas

We have 12 FE-NEW tickets with no activity in eight weeks
  inform                                   chris
  pari                                     gemi
  Internode                                jpmahowald
  sloccount                                bnocera
  gstreamer-plugins-fcextras               mpeters
  aplus-fsf                                Jochen
  perl-Crypt-DSA                           paul
  bakery                                   denisleroy
  lightning                                Jochen
  perl-Tie-EncryptedHash                   paul
  smart-channel                            enrico.scholz
  yaz                                      icon

We have 18 FE-NEW tickets with no activity in four weeks
  Graph                                    oliver
  compat-gtkhtml36                         mpeters
  itcl-iwidgets                            wart
  mod_spin                                 bojan
  polypaudio                               tcallawa
  cgi-util                                 redhat
  bwidget                                  wart
  perl-Log-Log4perl                        jpo
  ipsvd                                    enrico.scholz
  fnord                                    enrico.scholz
  freedt                                   enrico.scholz
  i386-rtems4.7-binutils                   rc040203
  i386-rtems4.7-gcc-newlib                 rc040203
  python-cpio                              ivazquez
  jthread                                  jeff
  jrtplib                                  jeff
  libresample                              jeff
  perl-SQL-Abstract-Limit                  tcallawa

=== About FE-NEEDSPONSOR packages ===

We have 35 open tickets in FE-NEEDSPONSOR

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